P1. I installed everything but GunGame just doesn't run! Why? (back to top)
Make sure that you have
AMXX 1.80 or later, and that you have the
Fakemeta, and
Ham Sandwich modules running. Read through the
Installing Modules step of the
installation section to figure out how to do this.
If the plugin still doesn't load after verifying that you are running version 1.80 or later and that you have
the aforementioned modules enabled, you can try posting on the
AlliedModders forums.
In your forum post, you should include the following information:
- The console output of amxx plugins, amxx modules, and meta list.
- The contents of your addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and gungame.cfg files.
- Anything in the server console that is printed during server startup, such as "Plugin failed to load: ...".
Before gathering this information, you should
enable debug mode on the plugin. You can do this by
editing your
plugins.ini file: replace
gungame.amxx with
gungame.amxx debug.
P2. Why does all the text appear as ML_NOTFOUND? (back to top)
This might mean that your dictionary file is missing, or broken. Try downloading a new one to fix the problem.
Also, if you are making changes to the dictionary file, you must save it in UTF-8
without the BOM characters. This
cannot be done in Notepad or WordPad. I use
Notepad++ for this.
P3. How come some weapons don't get any extra backpack ammo, or the game crashes after a specific level (usually the rifles)? (back to top)
This only happens when you are running a modded version of Counter-Strike. The most common mods that qualify are:
non-Steam CS,
a cracked HLDS, or
CS 1.5. These are unsupported by AMXX and there is no
workaround besides not using these. Not only are they unsupported, but they completely don't work with GunGame.
P4. I'm running Deagles' Map Management, so why aren't the votes coming up? (back to top)
There are a couple things that could be going wrong. First, make sure that you have
gg_vote_setting set
1 or higher in your
gungame.cfg file (see the
cvar list for more information).
Then, verify that you do
NOT have a
gungame_mapcycle.txt file in the mod directory (
czero/), or in your
addons/amxmodx/configs/ directory. If you are running a GunGame map cycle file, then
no votes will occurr.
If it still doesn't work, verify that you have the
.amxx file named correctly. If you are running
DMM 2.30b, the file must be named "
deagsmapmanage230b.amxx". If you are running
any other version,
the file must be named "
still there are no votes occurring, make sure that you are not running DMM in cycle mode, by using
the command
dmap_votemode (requires high admin access, it's easiest to just run in server console). If it says
Unknown command", then you aren't even running DMM in the first place!
After all that, if still no votes come up, monitor your server console around the time that the vote
be occurring, to check for messages from DMM. Make a post on the forums with your problem, and include the aforementioned
output, if there is any.
P5. Why is it that some kills are reported as suicides instead of kills?
(back to top)
Usually this means that you are running another plugin that changes how much damage a player does. For example,
Warcraft 3 Mod or HE Damage Multiplier. In reality, death by the extra damage that these plugins cause makes a player
kill themselves. It merely shows up to you that they were killed by someone else. These types of plugins won't work
with GunGame.
P6. Why does all of the GunGame text appear as squares? (back to top)
This means that somehow your AMXX language got set to something that GunGame is unfamiliar with. To revert
it back to normal, type this in console.
setinfo "lang" "en"
Q1. How do I make it so that players receive their next weapon instantly upon level up? (back to top)
You must set
gg_turbo to 1 in your
gungame.cfg file. Read through the
cvar list for more information.
Q2. How can I make weapons have individual kill requirements? (back to top)
Add :X to the end of a weapon name to require X kills for that weapon. For example:
gg_weapon_order "glock18,deagle:5,mp5navy:3,m4a1:4,awp:1,m249,knife:2"
If there is no specific goal attached to that weapon, it is assumed to be whatever
gg_kills_per_lvl is, except for
the grenade and knife levels, where the default is 1. Read through the
cvar list for more information.
Q3. How do these random weapon orders work? (back to top)
You'll notice several
gg_weapon_orderX cvars in your
gungame.cfg file. Starting at number 1 and
working your way towards 10, set each of them to one of the possible weapon orders that you want to use, in the same format
as the regular
gg_weapon_order cvar. You don't have to use all 10 random weapon orders if you don't want to: just
leave any that you don't use blank. However,
make sure that they are all in order! For example, if you want to use
3 random weapon orders, use the cvars
gg_weapon_order1-3 -- don't pick random ones (such as 2, 5, 10). If you are
using random weapon orders, the value of your original
gg_weapon_order cvar doesn't matter, as it will be changed
at every map to one of the random choices.
The random weapon order sequence is randomly shuffled and then played in order. For example, let's say that you
have 5 random weapon orders. They are randomly shuffled, like so (only an example):
rorder5, rorder2, rorder1, rorder4, rorder3
Then, they are selected in that order (first map will use rorder5, second map will use rorder2, etcetera), until
you get to the end of the list (after you play all the way through rorder3). Then they are shuffled again (only an example):
rorder2, rorder3, rorder5, rorder1, rorder4
Rinse and repeat. If GunGame were to pick a random one every time, you could possibly run into (or never run into) the same
weapon orders over and over again (for example:
rorder4, rorder5, rorder4, rorder5, rorder4).
Q4. How do I get players to respawn at random locations? (back to top)
Random Spawn Points from the installation guide. Also read the
cvar list and examine the difference between using
gg_cs_dm_spawn_random 1 and 2 (for CS).
Q5. Is there any way to disable the round timer? (back to top)
There's no way, with GunGame alone, to disable the round timer. Such would require all server operators to run
an extra module on their server (MemHack), which can be asking a lot for some people (just trying to get them to compile
with is enough!). If you really do want to completely disable the round timer, CSDM (downloadable
here) has that functionality. See
Question 6
to learn how to run GunGame and CSDM in unison.
Q6. Can I run CSDM with GunGame: CS? (back to top)
Yes, CSDM is fully compatible with the Counter-Strike edition of GunGame. Just remember to turn off GunGame's
deathmatch functionality (by setting
gg_dm to 0 in your
gungame.cfg), and to turn off CSDM's weapon menu
(disable the
csdm_equip.amxx plugin).
Q7. Can I run WC3/SuperHero with GunGame? (back to top)
You can try, but the results will most likely be less-than-desirable. These plugins cause players to do
extra damage (see
Problem 5 for why this is a problem) and sometimes give players extra weapons,
which conflicts with GunGame's functionality.
Q8. Can I have map-specific GunGame configs (ie: weapon orders)?
(back to top)
Yes, and it's very simple to set up. AMXX has a custom map configuration feature. You can figure out how to
create one by following
this guide.
Put any of the GunGame cvars that you want overridden while running that map into that configuration file. For example,
creating an
addons/amxmodx/configs/maps/de_dust2.cfg file with the input below, would force the specified weapon order
while disabling any other possible random weapon orders, only while playing de_dust2.
gg_weapon_order "deagle,mp5navy,ak47,awp,knife"
gg_weapon_order1 ""
gg_weapon_order2 ""
gg_weapon_order3 ""
gg_weapon_order4 ""
gg_weapon_order5 ""
gg_weapon_order6 ""
gg_weapon_order7 ""
gg_weapon_order8 ""
gg_weapon_order9 ""
gg_weapon_order10 ""
Note that you can do this to override any GunGame cvars, not just weapon orders.
Q9. How can I get GunGame AMXX stats onto my website? (back to top)
Check out the
GunGame SQL page.
Q10. How do I use the CSRespawn module? (back to top)
As of GunGame 2.10, the CSRespawn module is no longer supported or needed.
Q11. How do random win sounds work? (back to top)
Separate the different win sounds with semicolons (
;) in
gg_sound_winner, like
"winsound1;winsound2;winsound3" and so on. There can be up to 12 different win sounds, each individual sound having
a limit of 48 characters, and the entire cvar value having a limit of 576 characters. They are shuffled randomly exactly
like the random weapon orders.
Q12. How does Teamplay Mode work? (back to top)
Teamplay mode, added in version 2.10, can be activated by setting
gg_teamplay to
1 (or
if you want it to randomly be on or off). During Teamplay Mode, it's the Terrorist team versus the Counter-Terrorist team.
Instead of players leveling up individually, they level up as a team. When you kill someone, your kill gets
added to your team's pool of kills. Once your team reaches the kill requirement (which is the individual kill requirement
multipled by the number of players on that team), your entire team levels up.
Level steals only net your team the individual kill requirement for that level. Also, the amount of points that
you get when your team wins is based on how much time you spent on that team (percentage-based, using the time you spent on
the winning team versus the time you spent on the losing team).
Q13. Can I use weapon mods like the RPG or Flamethrower with GunGame? (back to top)
Unfortunately not. While these mods may still technically work with GunGame, you cannot add them to your weapon order
like any other weapon. This is because of the difficulties associated with integrating each of these plugins into GunGame's
existing system.