This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row). WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins.
This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row). WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins.
This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = wins
WON = %%n%s%%e won
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CLOSE = C10$3
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gF|2!3|\||)1y F!|23 !$ ON!!!%%e W4+ch J00|2 |=!|23!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e sux n3w l3v3l %%g%i%%e f0 b00m b00m b4dd!3
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e sux %%g%i%%e f0 b00m b00m b4dd!3
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = 134|)3|2
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e !$ 134|)!|\|g 0|\| 13\/31 %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = J00 h4V3 m4|)3 %i/%i 0|= J00|2 |23qu!|23|) k!11$
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = J00 4|23 !N +h3 134|)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = J00 4|23 +!3|) |=0|2 |=!|2$+ p14c3
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = J00 4|23 %i 13V31$ |33h!N|) +h3 134|)3|2
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = J00 h4V3 w0N %i +!m3$
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Cu|2|23N+ 134|)3|2$: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Cu|2|23N+ 134|)3|2: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = L34|)3|2 13V31: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = J00 4|23 N0w %%g%i%%e 13\/31$ |33h!|\||) +h3 134|)3|2
NEXT = N3x+
NO_ONE = |\|0 0|\|3
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Th!$ $3|2\/3|2 h4$ w!|\| 10gg!|\|g |)!$4|313|)
NOW_ON_LEVEL = J00 4|23 |\|0w 0|\| 13\/31
ON_LEVEL = J00 4|23 0N 13V31
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e |23$3+ h!m$31|= |34ck +0 13\/31 %%g1%%e
POINTS = p0!ntz
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = P|23$$ 4|\|y |\|um|33|2 k3y +0 c0|\|+!|\|u3
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = J00 |\|33|) %%n%i%%e k!11$ +0 4|)\/4|\|c3. Sc0|23: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = P|2u|\|!|\|g %s: %i 3|\|+|2!3$ |23m0\/3|)
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = R3qu!|23|) k!11$
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = A|23 J00 SURE +h4+ J00 w4N+^n+0 |23$3+ J00|2$31|= |34ck +0 13V31 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = j00 n00b g0 b3 |=L4|<3 !|\| %i s3c0ndz
RULES = Ru13$
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) J00 mu$+ g3+ 4 k!11 w!+h J00|2 cu|2|23|\|+ w34p0|\| +0 13\/31 up.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) I|= J00 g3+ 4 k!11 w!+h 4 w34p0|\| 0u+ 0|= 0|2|)3|2, !+ |)03$ |\|0+ c0u|\|+ 4|\||) J00 |23m4!|\| 0|\| J00|2 cu|2|23|\|+ 13\/31.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) J00 c4|\| g4!|\| 13\/31$ |3y PLANTING 4|\||) DEFUSING.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) I|= J00 c0mm!+ $u!c!|)3, J00 w!11 10$3 4 13\/31.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) F|2!3|\||)1y F!|23 !$ +u|2|\|3|) ON wh3|\| $0m30|\|3 |234ch3$ GRENADE 13\/31.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) J00 CAN g4!|\| m0|23 +h4|\| 0|\|3 13\/31 p3|2 |20u|\||).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) J00 c4|\| 0|\|1y g4!|\| 0|\|3 13\/31 p3|2 |20u|\||).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) J00 c4|\| g4!|\| up +0 %i 13\/31$ p3|2 |20u|\||).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Th3|23 !$ 4 g|24c3 p3|2!0|) 4+ +h3 3|\||) 0|= 34ch |20u|\||) +0 4110w p14y3|2$ +0 $w!+ch +34m$.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) B3c4u$3 K|\|!|=3 P|20 !$ 3|\|4|313|), J00 c4|\| $+341 4 13\/31 |=|20m 4|\| 0pp0|\|3|\|+ |3y k|\|!|=!|\|g +h3m.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) B3c4u$3 Tu|2|30 M0|)3 !$ 3|\|4|313|), J00 w!11 |23c3!\/3 J00|2 |\|3x+ w34p0|\| !mm3|)!4+31y wh3|\| J00 13\/31 up.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) B3c4u$3 D34+hm4+ch M0|)3 !$ 3|\|4|313|), J00 w!11 |23$p4w|\| !|\||=!|\|!+31y.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = S4y !13\/31 +0 $33 J00|2 cu|2|23|\|+ 13\/31 4|\||) wh0 !$ w!|\||\|!|\|g.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = S4y !w34p0|\|$ +0 $33 +h3 w34p0|\| 0|2|)3|2.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = S4y !$c0|23 +0 $33 411 p14y3|2 cu|2|23|\|+ $c0|23$.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = S4y !+0p10 +0 $33 +h3 +0p 10 w!|\||\|3|2$ 0|\| +h3 $3|2\/3|2.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = S4y !|23$+4|2+ +0 |23$3+ J00 +0 13\/31 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = G4m3 |2u13$ 4N|) 411 $4y c0mm4N|)$ 4|23 N0w 1!$+3|) !N J00|2 c0N$013
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = S0m3 u$3|=u1 $4y c0mm4N|)$:
S4y !+0p10 +0 $33 +h3 +0p 10 p14y3|2$ 0N +h!$ $3|2V3|2^n
S4y !13V31 +0 $33 J00|2 cu|2|23N+ 13V31 4N|) wh0 !$ w!NN!Ng^n
S4y !w34p0N$ +0 $33 +h3 w34p0N 0|2|)3|2^n
S4y !$c0|23 +0 $33 p14y3|2 $c0|23$
SCORES = Sc0|23$
SLOW_DOWN = S10w |)0w|\|! Th!$ !$ $+!11 +h3 w4|2mup |20u|\||)!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = J00|2 k!11 |)!|) |\|0+ c0u|\|+ |33c4u$3 %%n%s%%e $p4w|\|3|) !|\| +h3 14$+ %%g%i%%e $3c0|\||)$
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = J00 4|23|\|'+ 3\/3|\| p4$+ 13\/31 1 y3+!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e $+013 4 13\/31 |=|20m %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 10$+ 4 13\/31 |=0|2 $u!c!|)3
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e w3|\|+ |34ck |)0w|\| +0 13\/31 %%g%i%%e |=0|2 +34m k!11!|\|g
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 10$+ %%g%i%%e p0!|\|+$ |=0|2 +34m k!11!|\|g
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = T0p 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e +|2!p13 13\/313|)!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = W4|2mup |20u|\||)
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = W4|2mup R0u|\||) O\/3|2!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = W4|2mup R0u|\||): %i $3c0|\||)$ 13|=+
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Th!$ $3|2V3|2 !$ |2uNN!Ng GuNG4m3 %s |3y AV414Nch3
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = D34+hm4+ch M0|)3 !$ \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Typ3 !|2u13$ |=0|2 !N$+|2uc+!0N$ 0N h0w +0 p14y 4N|) 4 1!$+ 0|= c0mm4N|)$^n
Typ3 !13V31 +0 g3+ J00|2 13V31 !N|=0 4N|) wh0 !$ 134|)!Ng^n
Typ3 !$c0|23 +0 g3+ 4 1!$+ 0|= 411 p14y3|2$ $c0|23$ 4N|) w!NN!Ng$ !N J00|2 c0N$013^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = w!N$
WON = %%n%s%%e w0|\|
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Dein Kill zaehlte nicht weil %%n%s%%e AFK ist
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Spielt GunGame im Teamplay Modus
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Spielt normales GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Spielt kein GunGame
CANCEL = Abbruch
CLOSE = Schliessen
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire ist AN!!!%%e Pass auf wo Du hin schiesst!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = Du hast %%g%i%%e normale Punkte erhalten, fuer insgesamt %%g%i%%e Punkte mit %%g%i%%e Siegen!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = Du hast %%g%i%%e Teamplay Punkte erhalten, fuer insgesamt %%g%i%%e Punkte mit %%g%i%%e Siegen!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e fiel aufgrund eines Geisel-Kills auf Level %%g%i%%e zurueck
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verliert %%g%i%%e Punkte wegen dem Tod einer Geisel
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team fiel auf Level %%g%i%%e zurueck wegen dem Tod einer Geisel
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team verlor %%g%i%%e Punkte wegen dem Tod einer Geisel
IN_A_ROW = %i nacheinander
JUMP_TO_ME = Zeige mich
LEADER = Fuehrender
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e fuehrt mit Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team fuehrt auf Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Du hast %i/%i von Deinen benoetigten Kills gemacht
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Dein Team hat %i/%i der benoetigten Kills gemacht
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Du bist in Fuehrung
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Du bist punktgleich mit dem Fuehrenden
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Du bist %i Level hinter dem Fuehrenden
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Du hast %i mal gewonnen
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = Du hast %i normale Siege
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = Du hast %i Teamplay Siege
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = Du hast %i normale Punkte gesammelt durch %i Siege
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = Du hast %i Teamplay Punkte gesammelt durch %i Siege
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Du hast %i mal gewonnen (Rang %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Du hast %i Punkte gesammelt durch %i Siege (Rang %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Deine Rekord Serie ist %i Siege in Folge
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Dein Rekord fuer normale Siege ist %i Siege in Folge
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Dein Rekord fuer Teamplay Siege ist %i Siege in Folge
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Momentan Fuehrende: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Momentan Fuehrender: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Level des Fuehrenden: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Du bist nun %%g%i%%e Level hinter dem Fuehrenden
NEXT = Naechste
NONE = nichts
NO_ONE = keiner
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Dieser Server hat die Sieges-Protokollierung deaktiviert
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Du bist jetzt auf Level
ON_LEVEL = Du bist auf Level
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Dein Team ist auf Level
PLAY_GUNGAME = GunGame spielen?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e hat sich selbst auf Level %%g1%%e zurueckgesetzt
POINTS = Punkte
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Druecke eine Nummerntaste um fortzufahren
PREVIOUS = Zurueck
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Du brauchst %%n%i%%e Kills um weiter zukommen. Punkte: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Du liegst mit %i Level in Fuehrung
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Du liegst in Fuehrung gleichauf mit %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Du liegst in Fuehrung gleichauf mit %s anderen
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Du bist %i Level hinter dem Fuehrenden
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Dein Team liegt in Fuehrung mit %i Level
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Dein Team liegt gleichauf mit dem anderen Team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Dein Team liegt %i Level hinter dem anderen Team
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i Eintraege entfernt
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Benoetigte Kills
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Du kannst deinen Level waehrend Teamplay Mode nicht zuruecksetzen!
RESET_QUERY = Bist du SICHER dass du Dich selbst^nauf Level 1 zuruecksetzen moechtest?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Du wirst in %i Sekunden respawnen
RULES = Regeln
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Du musst einen Kill mit Deiner jetzigen Waffe machen, um einen Level aufzusteigen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Wenn Du einen Kill mit einer Waffe ausserhalb der Reihenfolge bekommst, so zaehlt dieser nicht und Du bleibst auf Deinem momentanen Level.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Du kannst Level durch BOMBE LEGEN und ENTSCHAERFEN steigern.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Wenn Du Selbstmord begehst, wirst Du ein Level verlieren.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire ist EINGESCHALTET, wenn jemand das GRANATEN-Level erreicht.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Du kannst mehr als einen Level pro Runde steigen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Du kannst nur ein Level pro Runde steigen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Du kannst bis zu %i Level pro Runde steigen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Es gibt eine Gnadenfrist am Ende jeder Runde, um den Spielern zu erlauben die Teams zu wechseln.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Da Knife Pro aktiviert ist, kannst Du Deinem Gegner ein Level stehlen, indem Du ihn messerst.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Da Turbo Mode aktiviert ist, bekommst Du Deine naechste Waffe sofort nachdem Du das naechste Level aufgestiegen bist.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Weil Knife Elite Mode aktiv ist musst du nach einem Levelaufstieg hast du bis zum Ende der Runde nur das Messer.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Da Deathmatch Mode aktiviert ist, wirst Du unendlich respawnen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Weil der Teamplay Mode aktiv ist erhaelt das gesammte Team Punkte anstatt jeder individuell.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Sag !level um Deinen momentanen Level und den Fuehrenden zu sehen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Sag !weapons um die Waffenreihenfolge zu sehen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Sag !score um die momentanen Punkte aller Spieler zu sehen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Sag !top10 um die Top 10 Gewinner auf dem Server zu sehen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Sag !restart um Dich auf Level 1 zurueckzusetzen.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Die Spielregeln und alle Chatbefehle sind jetzt in deiner Konsole aufgelistet
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Einige nuetzliche Chatbefehle:
Sag !top10 um die Top 10 Spieler auf diesem Server zu sehen^n
Sag !level um Deinen momentanen Level und die Person, die gewinnt zu sehen^n
Sag !weapons um die Waffenreihenfolge zu sehen^n
Sag !score um die Spielerpunkte zu sehen
SCORES = Punkte
SLOW_DOWN = Langsam! Das ist noch die Aufwaermrunde!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Dein Kill zaehlte nicht, weil %%n%s%%e in den letzten %%g%i%%e Sekunden gespawnt ist
STATS = Statistiken
STATS_REGULAR = normale Statistiken
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Statistiken
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Du hast noch nicht mal Level 1 beendet!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e hat ein Level von %%g%s%%e gestohlen
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verlor ein Level wegen Selbstmord
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team fiel auf Level %%g%i%%e zurueck wegen eines Selbstmordes
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team verliert %%g%i%%e Punkte wegen eines Selbstmordes
TEAM = Team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e liegt gleichauf auf Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e mit %%g%s%%e anderen
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e liegt gleichauf auf Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e mit %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Beide Teams liegen auf Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e fiel aufgrund eines Teamkills auf Level %%g%i%%e zurueck
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team fiel auf Level %%g%i%%e zurueck wegen eines Teamkills
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verlor %%g%i%%e Punkte fuer einen Teamkill
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team verliert %%g%i%%e Punkte wegen eines Teamkills
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team folgt auf Level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e levelte dreifach!!!
UNRANKED = nicht Platziert
WARMUP_ROUND = Aufwaermrunde
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Aufwaermrunde vorbei!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Aufwaermrunde: Noch %i Sekunden
WEAPONS = Waffen
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Auf diesem Server laeuft GunGame %s von Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Modus ist \rAKTIVIERT!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Modus ist \rAKTIVIERT!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Teamplay Modus ist \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Diese Runde hat \y%i\w Level!
Tippe !rules fuer Instruktionen, wie man den Mod spielt und um eine Liste der Befehle zu sehen^n
Tippe !level um Deine Levelinfo und den momentan Fuehrenden zu sehen^n
Tippe !score um eine Liste von allen Spielern, Punkten und Gewinnen in Deiner Konsole zu bekommen^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s gewinnt!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = Das %sen Team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = ist der Gewinner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Der letzte %s wurde gemacht gegen %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Der letzte %s Kill wurde gemacht gegen %s durch %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Dieses war %s's %i%s Sieg, Das ist dein %i%s Sieg in Folge (dein Rekord: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = Du hast nun insgesamt %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = Du hast nun insgesamt %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Du hast Du hast nun insgesamt %i Siege.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = Du hast nun insgesamt %i normale Siege.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = Du hast nun insgesamt %i Teamplay Siege.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Du erhaelst %i Punkte, und hast nun insgesammt %i Punkte und %i Siege!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = Du erhaelst %i normale Punkte, fuer nun insgesamt %i Punkte und %i Siege!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = Du erhaelst %i Teamplay Punkte, fuer nun insgesamt %i Punkte und %i Siege!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Die naechste Map wird %s sein
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Es ist noch eine Runde auf dieser Map uebrig.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Es sind noch %i Runden auf dieser Map uebrig.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = Das ist dein %i%s Sieg in Folge (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = Das ist dein %i%s Sieg in Folge (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = Das ist dein %i%s Teamplay Sieg in Folge (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Dein Serienrekord ist %i Siege in Folge.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Dein normaler Serienrekord ist %i Siege in Folge.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Dein Teamplay Serienrekord ist %i Siege in Folge.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = Die Allzeit-Rekord Serie, %i Siege in Folge, wurde gestellt von %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = Die Allzeit-Rekord Serie fuer normal, %i Siege in Folge, wurde gestellt von %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = Die Allzeit-Rekord Serie fuer Teamplay, %i Siege in Folge, wurde gestellt von %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s hat einen neuen Allzeit-Rekord gestellt mit %i Siege in Folge!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s hat einen neuen Allzeit-Rekord fuer normal gestellt mit %i Siege in Folge!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s hat einen neuen Allzeit-Rekord fuer Teamplay gestellt mit %i Siege in Folge!
WINS = Siege
WON = %%n%s%%e gewinnt
WON_TEAM = Das %%n%s%%e Team hat gewonnen
YES_REGULAR = Ja, normaler Modus
YES_TEAMPLAY = Ja, Teamplay Modus
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Anuleer
CLOSE = Sluit
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gVriendschapelijk vuur is aan!!!%%e Let op waar je schiet!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e ging terug naar level %%g%i%%e voor het doden van een hostage
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verloor %%g%i%%e punten voor het doden van een hostage
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Leider
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e is aan de leiding op level%%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Je hebt %i/%i gemaakt van je gevraagde kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Je ben in de leiding
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Je staat gelijk voor de eerste plaats
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Je bent %i levels achter de leide
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Je hebt %i gewonnen
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Leiders momenteel: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = leider momenteel: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = leider level: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Je bent %%g%i%%e levels achter de leider
NEXT = Volgende
NONE = Geen
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = De server heefd win logging afgezet
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Je level is nu
ON_LEVEL = Je bent op level
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Speel GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e zijn level staat terug op%%g1%%e
POINTS = punten
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Druk op een toets om verder te doen
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Je hebt zoveel %%n%i%%e kills om te advanceren. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i plaatsen zijn weg
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Nodige kills
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Ben je zeker dat je^nTerug van level 1 wilt beginnen ?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Je komt terug in leven in %i seconds
RULES = Regels
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Je moet een kill hebben met je huidige wapen voor naar het volgende level te gaan.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Als je een kill maakt men een ander wapen dan zal dat niet mee tellen en je level zal blijven.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Je krijgt levels door te PLANTEN en te DEFUSEN
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Als je zelfmoord pleegt, zal je een level verliezen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Vriendschapelijk vuur is aan waneer iemand de GRENADE level bereikt is.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Je kunt meer dan 1 level krijgen per ronde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Je kunt maar 1 level krijgen per ronde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Je kan %i levels Krijgen per ronde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) ER is een safe peroide op het einde van de ronde zo kan je van team veranderen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Omdat Knife Pro aan is , kan je levels stelen van een tegenstander door hem met een knife te doden.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Omdat Turbo Mode aan is , zal je derickt je volgende wapen krijgen en een level hoger zijn.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Omdat Deathmatch Mode aan is , Zal je altijd open nieuw tot leven komen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Zeg !level voor je level te zien en te zien wie er aan het winnen is.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Zeg !weapons om de wapen volgorde te zien.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Zeg !score voor iedereen zijn score te zien.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Zeg !top10 voor de top10 winnaars te zien in deze server.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Zeg !restart voor terug op level 1 te beginnen.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Spel regels en alles zeg commands zijn nu zichtbaar in de console.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Een paar bruikbare commands:
Zeg !top10 voor de top10 winnaars te zien in deze server^n
Zeg !level voor je level te zien en te zien wie er aan het winnen is^n
Zeg !weapons om de wapen volgorde te zien^n
Zeg !score voor iedereen zijn score te zien
SCORES = Scores
SLOW_DOWN = Rustin aan! dit is nog altijd de opwarm ronde!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Je kill telde niet mee omdat%%n%s%%e spawned in de laaste %%g%i%%e seconden.
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Je bent zelf nog niet voorbij level 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e steelde een level van%%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verloor een level door zelfmoord
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e Is terug tot level%%g%i%%e voor een teammember te doden
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e verloor %%g%i%%e punten voor een teammember te doden
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e triple leveled!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Opwarm ronde
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Opwarm ronde is over!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Opwarm ronde: %i seconden over
WEAPONS = Wapens
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Deze server heefd GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE3 = Turbo Mode is \rAAN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode is \rAAN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Type !rules voor instructies om te spelen en een lijst met^n
Type !level om je level te zien en te zien wie de leider is^n
Type !score om een lijst van alle scores te zien in je console^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = winnen
WON = %%n%s%%e gewonnen
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Ton frag ne compte pas car %%n%s%%e est AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = GunGame en Equipe
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = GunGame en Individuel
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Pas de GunGame
CANCEL = Annuler
CLOSE = Fermer
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gLe mode Friendly Fire est ACTIF !!%%e Fais attention ou tu tires !
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e revient au niveau %%g%i%%e pour avoir tuer un otage
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perd %%g%i%%e points pour avoir tuer un otage
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e retournent au niveau %%g%i%%e pour avoir tuer un otage
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e perdent %%g%i%%e points pour avoir tuer un otage
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Suivre le lien
LEADER = Meneur
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e mene le jeu au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e mene le jeu au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Niveau
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Tu as fait %i/%i des frags requis
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Ton equipe a deja fait %i/%i des frags requis
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Tu es en tete
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Tu rattrapes la premiere place
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Tu es a %i niveau derriere le meneur
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Tu as gagne %i fois
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Tu as gagne %i fois (classement %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Tu as accumule %i points avec tes %i victoires (classement %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Meneurs actuels : %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Meneur actuel : %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Niveau du meneur : %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Tu es maintenant a %%g%i%%e niveau(x) derriere le meneur
NEXT = Suivant
NONE = aucun
NO_ONE = personne
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Ce serveur n'archive pas les gagnants du jeu
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Tu es maintenant au niveau
ON_LEVEL = Tu es au niveau
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Ton equipe est au niveau
PLAY_GUNGAME = Veux-tu jouer au mode GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e revient de lui-meme au niveau %%g1%%e
POINTS = points
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Appuie sur n'importe quelle touche numerique pour continuer...
PREVIOUS = Precedent
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Tu as besoin de %%n%i%%e frag(s) pour avancer. Score : %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Tu es en tete de %i niveaux
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Tu partages la tete avec %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Tu partages la tete avec %s autres joueurs
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Tu es %i niveaux en dessous du meneur
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Ton equipe est en tete de %i niveaux
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Ton equipe partage la tete avec l'autre equipe
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Ton equipe est %i niveau en dessous de l'autre equipe
PRUNING = Delestage %s : %i entrees effacees
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Frags requis
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Tu ne peux pas revenir au niveau 1 pendant une partie en equipe !
RESET_QUERY = Es-tu SUR de vouloir^nrevenir au niveau 1 ?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Tu vas ressuciter dans %i seconde(s)
RULES = Regles
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Tu dois tuer avec la meme arme courante pour augmenter de niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Si tu obtiens un frag avec une autre arme, le frag ne comptera pas et tu reviendras a ton niveau d'avant.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Tu peux gagner des niveaux en PLANTANT et DEFUSANT la bombe.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Si tu commets un suicide, tu perdras un niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Le mode Friendly Fire est ACTIF lorsqu'un joueur atteint le niveau GRENADE.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Tu PEUX gagner plus d'un niveau par partie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Tu peux uniquement gagner un niveau par partie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Tu peux gagner jusqu'a %i niveaux par partie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Il y a une periode de grace a la fin de chaque partie qui autorise les joueurs a changer d'equipe.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Si le mode Knife Pro est actif, tu peux voler un niveau sur un ennemi en le tuant au couteau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Si le mode Turbo est actif, tu recevras ta prochaine arme immediatement lorsque tu augmentes de niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Si le mode Knife Elite est actif, une fois que tu as gagne un niveau tu dois utiliser le couteau jusqu'au prochain round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Si le mode Deathmatch est actif, tu seras ressucites indefiniment.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Si le mode Teamplay est actif, tu gagneras des points pour ton equipe et non pour toi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Tape !level pour voir ton niveau actuel et qui est en train de gagner.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Tape !weapons pour voir l'ordre des armes.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Tape !score pour voir les scores actuels de tous les joueurs.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Tape !top10 pour voir le top 10 des gagnants sur le serveur.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Tape !restart pour revenir au niveau 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Les regles du jeu et toutes les commandes du chat sont maintenant listes dans ta console
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Quelques commandes utiles:
Tape !top10 pour voir le Top 10 des joueurs sur ce serveur^n
Tape !level pour voir ton niveau actuel et qui est en train de gagner^n
Tape !weapons pour voir l'ordre des armes^n
Tape !score pour les scores de toutes les joueurs
SCORES = Scores
SLOW_DOWN = Hop ! Un petit echauffement avant de commencer !
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Ton frag ne compte pas car %%n%s%%e a ete ressucite dans les dernieres %%g%i%%e secondes
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Tu n'as meme pas encore passe le niveau 1 !
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e a vole un niveau a %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e a vole %%g%i%%e points a %%g%s%%e (gagne %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perd un niveau pour suicide
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e retournent au niveau %%g%i%%e a cause d'un suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e perdent %%g%i%%e points a cause d'un suicide
TEAM = equipe
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e est en tete au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e avec %%g%s%%e autres
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e est en tete au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e avec %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Les 2 equipes partagent la tete au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e revient au niveau %%g%i%%e pour avoir tue un equipier
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e retournent au niveau %%g%i%%e pour avoir tue un equipier
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perd %%g%i%%e points pour avoir tue un equipier
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e perdent %%g%i%%e points pour avoir tue un equipier
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e se trainent au niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e obtient un bonus pour avoir fragge 3 fois a la suite !!!
UNRANKED = Non classe
WARMUP_ROUND = Partie d'echauffement
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Fin de la partie d'echauffement !
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Partie d'echauffement : %i seconde(s) restante(s)
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = GunGame est en fonctionnement sur ce serveur %s par Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Le mode Knife Pro est \rACTIF !\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE3 = Le mode Turbo est \rACTIF !\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Le mode Knife Elite est \rACTIF !\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Le mode Deathmatch est \rACTIF !\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Le mode par equipe (Teamplay) est \rACTIF !\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Il y a \y%i\w niveau a passer !
Tape !rules pour obtenir les instructions sur comment jouer et une liste des commandes^n
Tape !level pour connaitre ton level actuel et qui est le meneur^n
Tape !score pour afficher la liste des scores de tous les joueurs et des gagnants dans ta console^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s gagne !
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = L'equipe des %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = a gagne !
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Le dernier %s frag a ete fait contre %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Le dernier %s frag a ete fait contre %s par %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = %s remporte sa %i%s eme victoire, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Tu as un total de %i victoires.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Tu viens juste de gagner %i points, et tu as %i points au total avec %i victoires!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = La prochaine map sera %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Il y a one round avant la fin de la map.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Il y a %i rounds avant la fin de la map.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = gagne
WON = %%n%s%%e gagne
WON_TEAM = Les %%n%s%%e ont gagnes !
YES_REGULAR = Oui, en Individuel
YES_TEAMPLAY = Oui, en Equipe
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CLOSE = 关闭
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%g友军伤害-打开!!!%%e 要小心哦!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 因为杀死人质而被降到 %%g%i%%e 级别
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 因为杀死人质而被扣了 %%g%i%%e 分
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e 领先于级别 %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = 你已经完成 %i/%i 的杀人任务
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = 你比领先的落后 %i 个级别
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = 当前领先者级别: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = 你比领先的落后 %%g%i%%e 级别
NEXT = 下一个
NO = 否
NONE = 无
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = 服务器当前禁止日志
NOW_ON_LEVEL = 你的当前级别
ON_LEVEL = 你的当前级别
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = 启动 GunGame 模式?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e 重置自己的成绩返回到级别 %%g1%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = 你需要杀 %%n%i%%e 人来获得升级. 分数: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = 修剪 %s: %i 个词条去除了
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = 你确定你真的需要^n重置自己的成绩返回到级别 1?
RULES = 规则
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) 你必须使用当前的武器杀人才能获得升级.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) 假如你使用了非指定武器杀人, 杀人成绩将被忽略.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) 放包或拆包, 你也可以获得升级.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) 如果你自杀, 将会被降级.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) 但有人达到 GRENADE 武器级别,友军伤害将被打开.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) 在一局里你可以获得多次升级机会.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) 在一局里你只能获得一次升级机会.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) 在一局里你只能获得 %i 次升级机会.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) 允许玩家在每一局结束时更换队伍.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) 当刀局开启时,当你用刀杀死对方时,将偷取对方的级别.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) 当加速开启时, 你的升级将马上到达下一武器级别.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) 当死亡模式开启时, 你将会死后无限重生.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level 命令查看你的当前级别信息及领先者信息.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons 命令查看你的当前武器级别.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score 命令查看所有玩家当前成绩.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 命令查看服务器前 10 名玩家成绩.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart 命令重置你的成绩,返回到原始级别 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = 游戏规则和玩家可用命令
Say !top10 命令查看服务器前 10 名玩家成绩^n
Say !level 命令查看你的当前级别信息及领先者信息^n
Say !weapons 命令查看你的当前武器级别^n
Say !score 命令查看所有玩家当前成绩
SLOW_DOWN = 别着急! 现在是热身时间!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = 你当前的杀人成绩将被忽略,因为 %%n%s%%e 在出生后 %%g%i%%e 秒内被你杀死.
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = 你依然停留在级别 1 !
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e 从 %%g%s%%e 偷取级别
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 因为自杀而被降级
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 因为杀死队友而被降级到级别 %%g%i%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e 因为杀死队友而失去 %%g%i%%e 分
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = 前 10 名
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e 连升三级!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = 服务器当前运行 GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE2 = 刀局模式 \r开启!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE3 = 加速模式 \r开启!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
say !rules 命令查看游戏规则和玩家可用命令^n
say !level 命令查看你的当前级别信息及领先者信息^n
say !score 命令查看所有玩家当前成绩^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = 获胜者
WON = %%n%s%%e 获胜者
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES = 是
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Jogando GunGame no modo equipe
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Jogando GunGame no modo normal
CANCEL = Cancelar
CLOSE = Fechar
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire is ON!!!%%e Watch your fire!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e voltou ao nivel %%g%i%%e por matar um refem
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdeu %%g%i%%e pontos por matar um refem
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Lider
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e estah liderando no posto %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Posto
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Voce completou %i/%i das mortes necessarias
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Voce estah na frente
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Voce estah amarrado no primeiro lugar
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Voce estah a %i niveis atras do lider
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Voce ganhou %i vezes
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Lideres atuais: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Lider atual: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Nivel do lider: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Voce estah agora %%g%i%%e niveis atras do lider
NEXT = Proximo
NONE = nenhum
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Este servidor tem logging desabilitado
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Voce esta agora no posto
ON_LEVEL = Voce esta no posto
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Jogar GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e decidiu voltar para o nivel %%g1%%e
POINTS = pontos
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Pressione quaquer numero para continuar
PREVIOUS = Anterior
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Voce precisa matar %%n%i%%e para avancar. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i registros removidos
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Mortes necessarias
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Voce tem certeza que voce^nquer voltar para o nivel 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Voce voltara em %i seconds
RULES = Regras
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Voce precisa matar com a sua arma atual para subir de nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Se voce matar com uma arma fora da ordem, nao sera contado e voce permanecera no mesmo nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Voce pode ganhar postos plantando ou desativando bombas.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Se voce se suicidar, perdera um posto.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) O fogo amigo serah ativado se alguem alcancar o nivel de GRANADAS.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Voce pode ganhar mais de um nivel por round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Voce pode ganhar somente um posto por round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Voce pode ganhar ate %i postos por round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Ha um tempo extra ao final de cada round para que os jogadores possam trocar de time.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Knife Pro esta habilitado, o que siginifica que voce pode roubar niveis de oponentes ao esfaquia-los.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) O Modo Turbo esta habilitado, o que siginifa que voce pode receber sua proxima arma no momento em que subir de posto.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) O Modo Deathmatch esta habilitado, voce pode renascer infinitamente.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level para ver seu posto e quem estah ganhando.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons para ver a ordem de armas.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score para ver o score de todos os jogadores.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 para ver os 10 melhore jogadores no servidor.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart para voltar ao nivel 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = As regras do jogo e todos os comandos say estao listados no sey console
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Alguns comandos say uteis:
Say !top10 para ver os dez melhores jogadores no servidor^n
Say !level para ver seu nivel atual e quem estah ganhando^n
Say !weapons para ver a ordem das armas^n
Say !score para ver os scores
SCORES = Scores
SLOW_DOWN = Alcame-se! Este ainda eh o round de aquecimento!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Esta morte nao contou porque %%n%s%%e entrou nos ultimos %%g%i%%e segundos
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Voce ainda nao passou do posto 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e roubou um posto de %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdeu um posto por suicidar-se
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e voltou ao nivel %%g%i%%e por matar alguem do seu proprio time
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdeu %%g%i%%e pontos por matar alguem do seu proprio time
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e subiu em triplo!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Round de aquecimento
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Round de aquecimento acabado!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Round de aquecimento: %i segundos restantes
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Este servidor esta rodando GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode estah \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Modo Deathmatch estah \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Teamplay Mode estah \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Digite !rules para instrucoes de como jogar e uma lista de comandos^n
Digite !level para ver seu posto e quem esta liderando^n
Digite !score para ver uma lista de todos os jogadores e vitoriasa no seu console^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = vitorias
WON = %%n%s%%e ganhou
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Sim, modo normal
YES_TEAMPLAY = Sim, modo em equipe
AFK_KILL = Tu frag no conto ya que %%n%s%%e estaba AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Jugando GunGame en modo de equipo
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Jugando GunGame en modo individual
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = No se esta jugando GunGame
CANCEL = Cancelar
CLOSE = Cerrar
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFuego Amigo Activado!!!%%e Cuidado donde disparas!
GAINED_POINTS = Has ganado %%g%i%%e puntos, haciendo un total de %%g%i%%e puntos y %%g%i%%e victorias!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = Has ganado %%g%i%%e puntos individuales, haciendo un total de %%g%i%%e puntos y %%g%i%%e victorias!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = Has ganado %%g%i%%e puntos en equipo, haciendo un total de %%g%i%%e puntos y %%g%i%%e victorias!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e volvio al nivel %%g%i%%e por matar a un rehen
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdio %%g%i%%e puntos por matar a un rehen
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e volvio al nivel %%g%i%%e por matar a un rehen
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e perdio %%g%i%%e puntos por matar a un rehen
IN_A_ROW = %i consecutivas
JUMP_TO_ME = Ir a mi
LEADER = Lider
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e esta liderando en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e esta liderando en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Nivel
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Has hecho %i/%i de tus frags requeridos
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Tu equipo ha hecho %i/%i de sus frags requeridos
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Estas liderando
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Estas empatado en primer puesto
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Estas %i niveles detras del lider
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Has ganado %i veces
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = Tienes %i victorias individuales
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = Tienes %i victorias en equipo
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Has acumulado %i puntos en %i victorias
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = Has acumulado %i puntos individuales en %i victorias
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = Has acumulado %i puntos en equipo en %i victorias
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Has ganado %i veces (rankeado %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Has acumulado %i puntos en %i victorias (rankeado %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Tu record es de %i victorias consecutivas
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Tu record individual es de %i victorias consecutivas
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Tu record en equipo es de %i victorias consecutivas
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Lideres actuales: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Lider actual: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Nivel del Lider: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Estas %%g%i%%e niveles detras del lider
NEXT = Siguiente
NONE = ninguno
NO_ONE = nadie
NO_WIN_LOGGING = El servidor ha desactivado esta opcion
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Estas ahora en el nivel
ON_LEVEL = Estas en el nivel
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Tu equipo esta en el nivel
PLAY_GUNGAME = Jugar GunGame en:
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e se reseteo al nivel %%g1%%e
POINTS = puntos
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Presiona cualquier numero para continuar
PREVIOUS = Anterior
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Necesitas %%n%i%%e frags para avanzar. Puntaje: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Estas liderando por %i niveles
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Estas empatado en primer puesto con %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Estas empatado en primer puesto con %s mas
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Estas %i niveles detras del lider
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Tu equipo esta liderando por %i niveles
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Los equipos estan empatados
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Tu equipo esta %i niveles detras del otro
PRUNING = Limpiando %s: %i entradas removidas
RECORD_STREAK = Record de victorias: %s (%i consecutivas)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Frags requeridos
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = No puedes resetear tu nivel durante un Juego en Equipo!
RESET_QUERY = Estas SEGURO de que^nquieres regresar al nivel 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Reapareceras en %i segundos
RULES = Reglas
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Debes matar a alguien con tu arma actual para subir de nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Si matas a alguien con un arma incorrecta, no contara y seguiras en el mismo nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Puedes ganar niveles PLANTANDO y DESACTIVANDO la bomba.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Si te suicidas, perderas un nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) El Fuego Amigo se ACTIVA cuando alguien llega al nivel de GRANADA.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) PUEDES ganar mas de un nivel por ronda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Solo puedes ganar un nivel por ronda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Puedes ganar hasta %i niveles por ronda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Hay un periodo de tiempo al final de cada ronda para que los jugadores puedan cambiar de equipo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Ya que Knife Pro esta activado, puedes robar un nivel de tus oponentes matandolos con cuchillo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Ya que Modo Turbo esta activado, recibiras tu arma siguiente inmediatamente al subir de nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Ya que Modo Knife Elite esta activado, al subir de nivel solo podras usar el cuchillo hasta la siguiente ronda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Ya que Modo Deathmatch esta activado, reapareceras infinitamente.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Ya que Modo Teamplay esta activado, ganaras puntos como equipo y no individualmente.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Escribe !level para ver tus estadisticas
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Escribe !weapons para ver el orden de las armas
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Escribe !score para ver tu nivel y el de todos los jugadores
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Escribe !top10 para ver el ranking del server
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Escribe !restart para regresar al nivel 1
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Las reglas del juego y los comandos de chat estan listados en tu consola
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Algunos comandos utiles de chat:
Escribe !top10 para ver el ranking del server^n
Escribe !level para ver tus estadisticas^n
Escribe !weapons para ver el orden de las armas^n
Escribe !score para ver tu nivel y el de todos los jugadores
SCORES = Niveles
SLOW_DOWN = Tranquilo! Esta solo es la ronda de calentamiento!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Tu frag no conto ya que %%n%s%%e aparecio en los ultimos %%g%i%%e segundos
STATS = Ranking
STATS_REGULAR = Estadisticas individuales
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Estadisticas en equipo
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Aun no has pasado el nivel 1
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e le robo un nivel a %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e le robo %%g%i%%e puntos a %%g%s%%e (ganados %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdio un nivel por suicidio
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e volvio a nivel %%g%i%%e por un suicidio
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e perdio %%g%i%%e puntos por un suicidio
TEAM = equipo
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e esta empatado en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e con otros %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e esta empatado en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e con %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Los equipos estan empatados en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e volvio al nivel %%g%i%%e por matar a un miembro de su equipo
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e volvio al nivel %%g%i%%e por matar a un miembro de su equipo
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e perdio %%g%i%%e puntos por matar a un miembro de su equipo
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e perdio %%g%i%%e puntos por matar a un miembro de su equipo
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e se esta quedando en el nivel %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e subio tres niveles!!!
UNRANKED = no rankeado
WARMUP_ROUND = Ronda de Calentamiento
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Fin de la Ronda de calentamiento!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Ronda de Calentamiento: %i segundos restantes
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Este servidor esta usando GunGame %s por Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Hay \y%i\w niveles en este juego!
Escribe !rules para ver instrucciones del juego y una lista de comandos^n
Escribe !level para ver tus estadisticas^n
Escribe !score para ver tu nivel y el de todos los jugadores^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s es el ganador!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = el equipo %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = es el ganador!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = El frag final :: %s fue hecho contra %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = El frag final :: %s fue hecho contra %s por %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = %s consiguio su %i%s victoria, Esta es tu %i%s victoria consecutiva (tu record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = Tienes ahora un total de %i victorias individuales. Esta es tu %i%s victoria individual consecutiva (tu record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = Tienes ahora un total de %i victorias en equipo. Esta es tu %i%s victoria en equipo consecutiva (tu record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Tienes un total de %i victorias.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = Tienes un total de %i victorias individuales.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = Tienes un total de %i victorias en equipo.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Acabas de ganar %i puntos, haciendo un total de %i puntos y %i victorias!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = Acabas de ganar %i puntos individuales, haciendo un total de %i puntos y %i victorias!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = Acabas de ganar %i puntos en equipo, haciendo un total de %i puntos y %i victorias!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = El proximo mapa sera %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Hay una ronda restante en este mapa.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Hay %i rondas restantes en este mapa.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = Esta es tu %i%s victoria consecutiva (tu record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = Esta es tu %i%s victoria individual consecutiva (tu record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = Esta es tu %i%s victoria en equipo consecutiva (tu record: %i conecutivo).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Tu record es de %i victorias consecutivas.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Tu record individual es %i victorias consecutivas.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Tu record en equipo es %i victorias consecutivas.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = El record de todos los tiempos, %i victorias consecutivas, fue establecido por %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = El record individual de todos los tiempos, %i victorias consecutivas, fue establecido por %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = El record en equipo de todos los tiempos, %i victorias consecutivas, fue establecido por %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s acaba de establecer un nuevo record con %i victorias consecutivas!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s acaba de establecer un nuevo record de victorias individuales con %i victorias consecutivas!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s acaba de establecer un nuevo record en equipo con %i victorias consecutivas!
WINS = victorias
WON = %%n%s%%e es el ganador
WON_TEAM = El equipo %%n%s%%e es el ganador
YES_REGULAR = Modo individual
YES_TEAMPLAY = Modo de equipo
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Avbryt
CLOSE = Stang
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%CVanskaplig Eld ar aktiverad!!!%%e Var forsiktig!!!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e went back down to level %%g%i%%e for killing a hostage
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e lost %%g%i%%e points for killing a hostage
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Leder
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e leder pa niva %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Niva
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Du har dodat %i/%i
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Du ar bunden vid forsta plats
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Du ligger %i nivaer efter den som leder
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Du har vunnit %i ganger
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Nuvarande ledare: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Nuvarande ledare: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Den som leder ligger pa niva: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Du ligger nu %%g%i%%e nivaer efter den som leder
NEXT = Nasta
NONE = ingen
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Denna server har vunnit inloggning nekad
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Du ligger nu pa niva
ON_LEVEL = Du ligger pa niva
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Play GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e startade om till niva %%g1%%e
POINTS = points
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Tryck in seriekod for att fortsatta
PREVIOUS = Foregaende
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Du maste doda %%n%i%%e till for att bli befodrad. Resultat: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Bortklippta %s: %i anmalan borttagna
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Kravda mord
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Ar du SAKER pa att du vill^nstarta om pa niva 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Du kommer respawna om %i sekunder
RULES = Regler
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Du maste doda en med ditt nuvarande vapen for att bli befodrad.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Om du lyckas doda en med ett vapen utan ammo, raknas det inte och din nuvarande niva bestar.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Du kan bli befodrad genom PLANTNING och DEFUSANDE.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Om du begar sjalvmord, kommer alla nivaer ga forlorade.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) CVanskaplig Eld aktiveras da nagon nar GRANAT nivan.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Du KAN uppna mer an en niva per runda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Du kan endast uppna en niva per runda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Du kan uppna upp till %i nivaer per runda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Det finns tillfalle vid slutet av varje runda att byta lag.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Eftersom Knife Pro ar aktiverat, kan du stjala en niva fran motstandaren genom att kniva dem.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Eftersom Turbo Mode ar aktiverat, kommer du omedelbart fa ditt nasta vapen da du graderas.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Eftersom Deathmatch Mode ar aktiverat, kommer du inte respawna.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Skriv !level for att se din nuvarande niva och vem som leder.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Skriv !weapons for att se vapen forbrukningen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Skriv !score for att se alla spelares nuvarande statistik.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Skriv !top10 for att se topp 10 pa denna server.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Skriv !restart for att starta om pa niva 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Spelregler och alla kommandon finns nu i din console
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Nagra anvandbara kommandon:
Skriv !top10 for att se topp 10 pa denna server^n
Skriv !level for att se din nuvarande niva och vem som vinner^n
Skriv !weapons for att se forbrukningen av vapen^n
Skriv !score for att se spelar resultat
SCORES = Resultat
SLOW_DOWN = Ta't lugnt! Det ar fortfarande uppvarmning!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Dina kills raknades inte pga att %%n%s%%e spawnade under de sista %%g%i%%e sekunderna
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Du har inte passerat niva 1 annu!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e stal en niva fran %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e degraderades en niva pga sjalvmord
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e degraderades till niva %%g%i%%e pga dodande av lagkamrater
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e forlorade %%g%i%%e poang pga dodande i eget lag
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Topp 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e gjorde en trippel befodring!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Uppvarmnings runda
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Uppvarmningen ar over!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Uppvarmnings runda: %i sekunder kvar
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Den har servern anvander GunGame %s av Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Skriv !rules i consolen for instruktioner av hur du spelar och en lista med kommandon^n
Skriv !level i consolen for att se info om din niva och vem som leder^n
Skriv !score i consolen for att se alla spelares resultat och vinster^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = vinster
WON = %%n%s%%e vann
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Peruuta
CLOSE = Sulje
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire is ON!!!%%e Watch your fire!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e tasosi putosi %%g%i%%e koska tapoit panttivangin
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e menetti %%g%i%%e pistett'a' koska tappoi panttivangin
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Johdossa
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e johtaa tasolla %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Taso
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Olet saavuttanut %i/%i tarvittavista tapoista
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Sin'a' johdat
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Olet jaetussaa johtoasemassa
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Olet %i tasoa j'a'jess'a' johtajaa
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Olet voittanut %i kertaa
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = T'a'n hetkiset johtajat: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Johtajan taso: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Olet nyt %%g%i%%e tasoa j'a'ljessa johtajaa
NEXT = Seuravaa
NONE = ei mit'a'a'n
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Voittojen logaus ei ole k'a'ytoss'a' t'a'll'a' servulla
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Olet nyt tasolla
ON_LEVEL = Olet tasolla
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Pelaa GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e resetoi itsens'a' takaisin tasolle %%g1%%e
POINTS = pistett'a'
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Paina jotain numeron'a'pp'a'int'a' jatkaaksesi
PREVIOUS = Edellinen
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Tarvitset %%n%i%%e tappoa edet'a'ksesi. Pisteet: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Tyhjennet'a'a'n %s: %i merkinn'a't poistettu
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Vaaditut tapot
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Oletko VARMA ett'a',^nhaluat resetoida takaisin tasolle 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Ilmestyt takaisin %i sekunnissa
RULES = Rules
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Sinun pit'a'a' saada tappo nykyisell'a' asella, jotta voit edet'a'.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Jos saat tapon v'a'a'r'a'll'a' aseella, tappoa ei lasketa ja j'a'a't nykyiselle tasolle.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Voit ansaita tasoja ASETTAMALLA ja PURKAMALLA pommeja.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Jos tapat itsesti menet'a't tason.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire pistet'a'a'n p'a'a'lle, kun joku saavuttaa KRANAATTI tason.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Voit saada enemm'a'nkin kuin yhden tason kierroksen aikana.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Voit saada vain yhden tason kierroksen aikana.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Voit saada jopa %i tasoa kierroksen aikana.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Jokaisen kierroksen j'a'lkeen on armonaika, jonka aikana pelaajat voivat vaithaa joukkuetta.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Koska Knife Pro on p'a'a'll'a', voit varastaa tason vastustajalta puukottamlla h'a'nt'a'.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Koska Turbo Mode on p'a'a'll'a', saat seuravaan aseen v'a'litt'o'm'a'sti tason edetess'a'.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Koska Deathmatch Mode on p'a'a'll'a', ilmestyt uudelleen loputtomasti.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Kirjoittamalla !level n'a'et tasosi ja johtajan.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Kirjoitamalla !weapons n'a'et aseiden j'a'rjestyksen.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Kirjoitamalla !score n'a'et pistetilastot.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Kirjoitamalla !top10 n'a'et servun top-10 voittajaa.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Kirjoita !restart resetoidaksesi levelille 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Pelin s'a'a'nn'o't ja komennot n'a'kyv'a't nyt konsolissa.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Pari hy'o'dyllist'a' komentoa:
Kirjoitamalla !top10 n'a'et servun top-10 voittajaa^n
Kirjoittamalla !level n'a'et tasosi ja johtajan^n
Kirjoitamalla !weapons n'a'et aseiden j'a'rjestyksen^n
Kirjoitamalla !score n'a'et pistetilastot
SCORES = Pisteet
SLOW_DOWN = Hidasta v'a'h'a'n! T'a'm'a' on viel'a' l'a'mmittelykierros!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Tappoasi ei laskettu koska %%n%s%%e ilmesty %%g%i%%e sekunttia sitten
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Et ole edes viel'a' ylitt'a'nyt tasoa 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e varasti tason %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e menetti tason koska tappoi itsens'a'
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e joutui takaisin tasolle %%g%i%%e oman joukkueen pelaajan taposta
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e menetti %%g%i%%e pistett'a' koska tappoi oman joukkoeen pelaajan
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e sai kolme tasoa kerralla!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = L'a'mmittelykierros
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = L'a'mmittelykierros on ohi!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = L'a'mmittelykierros: %i sekunttia j'a'ljell'a'
WEAPONS = Weapons
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = T'a'm'a' servu py'o'ritt'a'a' GunGame %s koodaaja: Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Knife Pro on \rP'A'LL'A'!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE3 = Turbo Mode on \rP'A'LL'A'!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode on \rP'A'LL'A'!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Kirjoittamalla !rules n'a'et pelin s'a'a'nn'o't ja komennot^n
Kirjoittamalla !level n'a'et tasosi ja johtajan^n
Kirjoitamalla !score n'a'et pistetilastot voittajista ja h'a'vij'a'jist'a'^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = voitot
WON = %%n%s%%e voitto
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Anuleaza
CLOSE = Inchide
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire este ON!!!%%e Ai grija in cine tragi!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e s-a intors cu un level mai jos %%g%i%%e pentru ca a omorat un ostatec
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e a pierdut %%g%i%%e puncte pentru ca a omorat un ostatec
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Lider
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e a crescut la nivelul %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Nivel
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Ai facut %i/%i din victime cerute
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Este cel mai avansat in nivel
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Ai ajuns la acelasi nivel cu liderul
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Esti %i nivele in spatele liderului
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Ai castigat de %i ori
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Lideri acum: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Lider acum: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Nivelul liderului: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Esti cu %%g%i%%e nivele in spatele liderului
NEXT = Urmatorul
NO = Nu
NONE = nimic
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Acest server nu salveaza castigarea
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Esti la nivelul
ON_LEVEL = Esti la nivelul
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Joci GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e si-a resetat nivelul intorcandu-se la nivelul %%g1%%e
POINTS = puncte
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Apasa orice numar pentru a continua
PREVIOUS = Anterior
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Ai nevoie de %%n%i%%e victime sa avansezi. Scor: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i intrari sterse
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Victime necesare
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Esti sigur ca vrei^nsa revii la nivelul 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Vei reaparea in %i secunde
RULES = Reguli
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Trebuie sa faci victime cu arm ape care o ai pentru a avansa la nivelul urmator
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Daca esti omorat nu pierzi nici un nivel (in afara de cutit).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Daca te sinucizi, vei pierde un nivel
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire este ON cand cineva ajunge la nivelul GRENADA
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Poti lua mai mult de un nivel / runda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Poti lua doar un nivel / runda
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Poti lua pana la %i nivele / runda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Exista o perioada de gratie la fiecare sfarsit d erunda in care jucatorii pot sa se mute.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Pentru ca Knife Pro este activat, poti fura un nivel de la adversari omorandu-i cu cutitul.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Pentru ca Turbo Mode este activat, vei primi arma urmatoare imediat ce vei face nivel.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Pentru ca Deathmatch este activat, vei reaparea mereu dupa ce vei fi ucis.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Tasteaza !level pentru a vedea nivelul tau current si cine este cel mai avansat nivel
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Tasteaza !weapons pentru a vedea armele in ordine.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Tasteaza !score pentru a vedea scorul jucatorilor.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Tasteaza !top10 pentru a vedea topul primilor 10 jucatori de pe server.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Tasteaza !restart pentru a reveni la nivelul 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Regulile jocului si toate comenzile sunt aratate in consola
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Cateva comenzi folosite:
Tasteaza !top10 pentru a vedea topul primilor 10 jucatori de pe server.
Tasteaza !level pentru a vedea nivelul tau current si cine este cel mai avansat nivel
Tasteaza !weapons pentru a vedea armele in ordine.
Tasteaza !score pentru a vedea scorul jucatorilor
SLOW_DOWN = Relaxeaza-tea-te! E runda de incalzire!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Fragul tau nu a fost socotit pentru ca %%n%s%%e a aparut in %%g%i%%e secunde
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Nici nu ai trecut inca de nivelul 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e a furat un nivel lui %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e a pierdut un nivel pt ca s-a sinucis
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e a coborat un nivel %%g%i%%e pentru ca si-a ucis un coechipier
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e a pierdut %%g%i%%e puncte pentru ca si-a ucis un coechipier
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e triplu nivel!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Runda de incalzire
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Runda de incalzire s-a terminat!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Runda de incalzire: %i secunde ramase
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Acest server ruleaza GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode este \rACTIVAT!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Tasteaza !rules pentru instructiuni, cum sa joci si o lista de comenzi
Tasteaza !level pentru a sti ce nivel esti si cine e cel mai avansat nivel
Tasteaza !score pentru a primi o lista a tuturor jucatorilor si castigatorilor in consola
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = castigate
WON = %%n%s%%e castigat
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES = Da
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Cancel
CLOSE = Close
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire is ON!!!%%e Pas paa ikke at skyde dine holdkammerater!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e blev sat tilbage til niveau %%g%i%%e for at slaa et gidsel ihjel
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e tabte %%g%i%%e points for at slaa et gidsel ihjel
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e fQrer paa niveau %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Niveau
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Du har lavet %i/%i af de nQdvendige drab
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Du er paa fQrste pladsen
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Du er paa en delt fQrste plads
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Du er %i niveauer bag den som fQrer
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Du har vundet %i gange
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = De spillere som fQrer er: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Den spiller som fQrer er: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Niveauet paa den som fQrer er: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Du er nu %%g%i%%e niveauer efter den som fQrer
NEXT = Naeste
NONE = Intet/ingen
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Denne server gemmer/husker ikke data om vundne spil
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Du er nu paa niveau
ON_LEVEL = Du er paa niveau
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e nul stiller dit nuvaerende niveau %%g1%%e
POINTS = points
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Tryk en tast for at fortsaette
PREVIOUS = Tidligere
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Du behQver %%n%i%%e drab for at avancere. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Oprydning %s: %i posteringer fjernet
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = NQdvendige drab
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Er du sikker paa at du^nvil starte forfra paa level 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Du genstarter i spawn om %i sekunder
RULES = Regler
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Du skal draebe en modspiller fQr du kan avancere til naeste niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Hvis du draeber en med et vaaben uden for den normale vaeben raekkefQlge, virker det ikke og du forbliver paa dit nuvaerende niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Du kan avancere ved at plante eller defuse bomben.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Begaar du selvmord mister du et niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire saettes automatisk igang naar en spiller naar til GRANAT niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Du kan avancere flere niveauer i en runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Du kan kun avancere et niveau pr runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Du kan avancere op til %i niveauer pr runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Der er en inaktiv periode efter hver runde hvor spillere kan bytte hold.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Fordi Knife Pro indstillingen er aktiv, kan du stjaele et niveau fra en modspiller ved at draebe dem med kniv.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Fordi Turbo Mode indstillingen er aktiv , faar du et nyt vaaben starks efter at du stiger et niveau.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Fordi Deathmatch Mode indstillingen er aktiv, vil du respawne hele tiden.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Skriv !level for at se hvad niveau du befinder dig paa og hvem der ser ud til at vinde runden.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Skriv !weapons for at se hvilken raekkefQlge du vil modtage nyt vaaben.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Skriv !score for at se alle spillers nuvaerende score.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Skriv !top10 for at se de 10 bedste spillere paa serveren.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Skriv !restart for at genstarte dig selv fra level 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Spilleregler og alle kommandoer er nu oplistet i din consol.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Her er nogle anvendelige say kommandoer:
Skriv !top10 for at se de 10 bedste spillere paa serveren^n
Skriv !level for at se hvilket niveau du befinder dig paa og hvem der ser ud til at vinde runden^n
Skriv !weapons for at se hvilken raekkefQlge du vil modtage nye vaaben ^n
Skriv !score for at se alle spilleres nuvaerende score
SCORES = Scores
SLOW_DOWN = Rolig nu! Dette er kun opvarmningsrunden!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Dit drab talte ikke med fordi %%n%s%%e spawnede i det sidste %%g%i%%e sekund
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Du er stadig kun paa niveau 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e stjal et niveau fra %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e mister et niveau pga selvmord
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e blev sat tilbage til niveau %%g%i%%e pga drab paa en fra eget hold
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e mistede %%g%i%%e point pga drab paa en fra eget hold
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e tre dobbelt niveau!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Opvarmningsrunde
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Opvarmningsrunden er overstaaet!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Opvarmningsrunden: %i sekunder tilbage
WEAPONS = Vaaben
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Denne server kQrer GunGame %s lavet af Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode er \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Skriv !rules for at faa instruction om hvordan spillet virker samt en liste over kommandoer som du kan skrive^n
Skriv !level for at se hvilket niveau du befinder dig paa og hvem der ser ud til at vinde i Qjeblikket^n
Skriv !score for at se alle spilleres nuvaerende score i din consol^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = wins
WON = %%n%s%%e won
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Îòìåíà
CLOSE = Çàêðûòü
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire ÂÊËÞ×ÅÍ!!!%%e Íå ïàëè ïî ñâîèì!!!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e îïóñòèëñÿ íà óðîâåíü %%g%i%%e óáèâ çàëîæíèêà
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e ïîòåðÿë %%g%i%%e î÷êîâ óáèâ çàëîæíèêà
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a hostage kill
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a hostage kill
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = ëèäåð
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e ëèäèðóåò ñ óðîâíåì %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Óðîâåíü
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Âû âûïîëíèëè %i/%i èç íåîáõîáõîäèìûõ óáèéñòâ
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Your team has made %i/%i of its required kills
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Âû ïðåòåíäóåòå íà çâàíèå ëèäåðà
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Âû íà %i óðîâíåé îòñòà¸òå îò ëèäåðà
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Âû ïîïåäèëè %i ðàç
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = You have won %i times (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Íûíåøíèå ëèäåðû: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Íûíåøíèé ëèäåð: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Óðîâåíü ëèäåðà: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Ñåé÷àñ âû íà %%g%i%%e óðîâíåé îòñòà¸òå îò ëèäåðà
NEXT = Ñëåäóþùàÿ
NO = No
NONE = Íèêàêóþ
NO_ONE = no one
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Ëîã ïîáåä íà ñåðâåðå îòêëþ÷åí
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Âàø íûíåøíèé óðîâåíü
ON_LEVEL = Âàø óðîâåíü
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Your team is on level
PLAY_GUNGAME = Игра GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e ñáðîñèë ñâîé óðîâåíü äî óðîâíÿ %%g1%%e
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Íàæìèòå ëþáóþ öèôðîâóþ êëàâèøó, ÷òîáû ïðîäîëæèòü
PREVIOUS = Ïðåäûäóùèé
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Âàì òðåáóåòñÿ %%n%i%%e óáèéñòâ äëÿ ïîâûøåíèÿ óðîâíÿ. Ñ÷¸ò: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = You are in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = You are tied for the lead with %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = You are tied for the lead with %s others
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = You are %i levels behind the leader
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Your team is in the lead by %i levels
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Your team is tied with the other team
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Your team is %i levels behind the other team
PRUNING = Ëèøíèå %s: %i çàïèñåé óäàëåíû
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Íåîáõîäèìî óáèéñòâ
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = You cannot reset your level during Teamplay Mode!
RESET_QUERY = Âû ÓÂÅÐÅÍÛ ^n÷òî õîòèòå^nñáðîñèòü ñâîé óðîâåíü äî íà÷àëüíîãî?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Âû ïîÿâèòåñü ÷åðåç %i ñåêóíä
RULES = Ïðàâèëà
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Âû äîëæíû ñîâåðøèòü óáèéñòâî ñ âàøèì íûíåøíèì îðóæèåì, ÷òîáû ïîâûñèòü óðîâåíü.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Åñëè âû ñîâåðøàåòå óáèéñòâî ñ äðóãèì îðóæèåì, òî óáèéñòâî íå çàñ÷èòûâàåòñÿ è óðîâåíü íå ïîâûøàåòñÿ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Âû ìîæåòå ïîâûñèòü óðîâåíü ÇÀÌÈÍÈÐÎÂÀÂ èëè ÐÀÇÌÈÍÈÐÎÂÀÂ áîìáó.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Ñîâåðøèâ ñàìîóáèéñòâî, òåðÿåøü îäèí óðîâåíü.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire ÂÊËÞ×ÀÅÒÑß êîãäà êòî-íèáóäü äîñòèãàåò óðîâíÿ ñ ÃÐÀÍÀÒÀÌÈ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Âû ìîæåòå ïîâûøàòü óðîâåíü áîëåå îäíîãî ðàçà çà ðàóíä.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Âû ìîæåòå ïîâûñèò óðîâåíü òîëüêî îäèí ðàç çà ðàóíä.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Âû ìîæåòå çàðàáîòàòü äî %i óðîâíåé çà ðàóíä.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Â êîíöå êàæäîãî ðàóíäà äàåòñÿ âðåìÿ ÷òîáû èãðîêè ìîãëè ïîìåíÿòü êîìàíäó.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Òàê êàê Knife Pro âêëþ÷¸í, âû ìîæåòå óêðàñòü óðîâåíü ó äðóãîãî èãðîêà, çàðåçàâ ýòîãî óáëþäêà.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Òàê êàê Turbo Mode âêëþ÷¸í, âû ïîëó÷èòå ñëåäóþùåå îðóæèå ñðàçó ïîñëå ïîâûøåíèÿ óðîâíÿ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Òàê êàê Deathmatch Mode âêëþ÷¸í, âû áóäåòå ïîñòîÿííî ðåñïàóíèòñÿ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Because Teamplay Mode is enabled, you will gain points as a team instead of individually.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Ïèøè !level ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü ñâîé óðîâåíü è êòî ïîáåæäàåò.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Ïèøè !weapons ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü ïîðÿäîê ïîÿâëåíèÿ îðóæèÿ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Ïèøè !score ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü î÷êè äðóãèõ èãðîêîâ.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Ïèøè !top10 ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü 10 ëó÷øèõ èãðîêîâ ýòîãî ñåðâåðà.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Ïèøè !restart ÷òîáû ñáðîñèòü óðîâåíü äî íà÷àëüíîãî.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Ïðàâèëà èãðû è âñå êîììàíäû òåïåðü ïðèâåäåíû â êîíñîëè
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Íåêîòîðûå ïîëåçíûå êîììàíäû:
Ïèøè !top10 ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü 10 ëó÷øèõ èãðîêîâ ýòîãî ñåðâåðà^n
Ïèøè !level ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü ñâîé óðîâåíü è êòî ïîáåæäàåò^n
Ïèøè !weapons ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü ïîðÿäîê ïîÿâëåíèÿ îðóæèÿ^n
Ïèøè !score ÷òîáû ïîñìîòðåòü î÷êè äðóãèõ èãðîêîâ^n
SLOW_DOWN = Åé!!! Ïðèòîðìîçè!!! Ýòî âñåãî ëèøü ðàçîãðåâî÷íûé ðàóíä!!!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Óáèéñòâî íå çàñ÷èòûâàåòñÿ ïîòîìó, ÷òî %%n%s%%e ïîÿâèëñÿ â ïîñëåäíèå %%g%i%%e ñåêóíäû
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Åé!!! Òû âñ¸ åùå íà ïåðâîì óðîâíå!!! íóóóóá!!!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e óêðàë óðîâåíü ó %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e ïîòåðÿë óðîâåíü ñîâåðøèâ ñàìîóáèéñòâî
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for a suicide
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for a suicide
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e others
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e is tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e with %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = The teams are tied on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e îïóñòèëñÿ íà óðîâåíü %%g%i%%e çà óáèéñòâî èãðîêà ñâîåé êîìàíäû
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team went back down to level %%g%i%%e for team killing
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e ïîòåðÿë %%g%i%%e î÷êîâ çà óáèéñòâî èãðîêà ñâîåé êîìàíäû
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team lost %%g%i%%e points for team killing
TOP_10 = Ëó÷øèå 10 èãðîêîâ
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e òðîéíîå ïîâûøåíèå óðîâíÿ!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Ðàçîãðåâî÷íûé ðàóíä
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Ðàçîãðåâî÷íûé ðàóíä çàêîí÷åí!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Ðàçîãðåâî÷íûé ðàóíä: îñòàëîñü %i ñåêóíä
WEAPONS = Îðóæèå
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Ýòîò ñåðâåð èñïîëüçóåò GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode is \rENABLED!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode \rÂÊËÞרÍ!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = There are \y%i\w levels this round!
Ïèøè !rules äëÿ äàëüíåéøèõ èíñòðóêöèè ïî èãðå è ñïèñêà êîìàíä^n
Ïèøè !level ÷òîá óçíàòü íà êàêîì òû óðîâíå è êòî ëèäèðóåò^n
Ïèøè !score ÷òîá ïîëó÷èòü ñïèñîê î÷êîâ è ïîáåä âñåõ èãðîêîâ â êîíñîëè^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s won!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = the %s team
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = is the winner!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = The final %s kill was made against %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = The final %s kill was made against %s by %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = This is %s's %i%s win, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = You have a total of %i wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = You have just gained %i points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = The next map will be %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = There is one round of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = There are %i rounds of this map left.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = ïîáåä
WON = %%n%s%%e ïîáåäèëè
WON_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team won
YES = äà ¸ïò
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Ten frag nie zostal zaliczony poniewaz %%n%s%%e byl AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Gramy GunGame z Teamplay Modem
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Gramy Normalny GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Nie gramy GunGame
CANCEL = Anuluj
CLOSE = Zamknij
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire jest WLACZONY!!!%%e Uwazaj jak strzelasz!
GAINED_POINTS = Wlasnie zdobyles %%g%i%%e punktow, w sumie masz %%g%i%%e punktow z %%g%i%%e zwyciestw!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = Wlasnie zdobyles %%g%i%%e punktow. W sumie masz %%g%i%%e punktow i %%g%i%%e zwyciestw!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = Wlasnie zdobyles %%g%i%%e druzynowych punktow. W sumie masz %%g%i%%e punktow i %%g%i%%e zwyciestw!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e spadl do poziomu %%g%i%%e za zabicie zakladnika
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e stracil %%g%i%%e punktow za zabicie zakladnika
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e wrocil do poziomu %%g%i%%e za zabicie zakladnika
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e team stracil %%g%i%%e punktow za zabicie hostow
IN_A_ROW = %i z rzedu
JUMP_TO_ME = Znajdz mnie
LEADER = Lider
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e jest liderem na poziomie %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = TEAM %%n%s%%e jest liderem z levelem %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Poziom
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Wykonales %i/%i z potrzebnych zabojstw
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Twoj team dokonal %i/%i z wymaganych zabojstw
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Jestes na prowadzeniu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Wyszedles na prowadzenie
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Jestes %i poziomow za liderem
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Wygrales %i razy
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = Masz %i zwyciestw
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = Masz %i druzynowych zwyciestw
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Masz zdobyte %i punktow z ponad %i wygranych
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = Masz zgromadzonych %i punktow, %i zwyciestw
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = Zgromadziles %i druzynowych punktow z %i wygranych
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Musisz wygrac %i w czasie (ranking %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Masz zgromadzonych %i punktow %i zwyciestw (ranking%i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Twoj rekord zwyciestw %i z rzedu!
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Twoj rekord zwyciestw %i z rzedu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Twoj rekord druzynowych %i zwyciestw z rzedu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Aktualni liderzy: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Aktualny lider: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Poziom lidera: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Jestes teraz %%g%i%%e poziomow za liderem
NEXT = Dalej
NONE = brak
NO_ONE = Nikt nie wygral
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Na tym serwerze logi zwyciestw zostaly wylaczone
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Jestes teraz na poziomie
ON_LEVEL = Jestes na poziomie
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Twoj team jest na poziomie
PLAY_GUNGAME = Uruchomic GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e zresetowal sie do poziomu %%g1%%e
POINTS = punkty
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Nacisnij dowolny klawisz aby kontynuowac
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Potrzebujesz %%n%i%%e zabojstw by awansowac Wynik: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Jestes na prowadzeniu %i levelami
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Dzielisz prowadzenie z %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Dzielisz prowadzenie z %s innymi
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Jestes %i levei za liderem
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Twoj team jest na prowadzeniu %i levelami
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Twoj team dzieli prowadzenie z drugim teamem
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Twoj team jest %i leveli za drugim teamem
PRUNING = Okrojenie %s: %i wpisy usuniete
RECORD_STREAK = Rekord zwyciestw: %s (%i z rzedu)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Wymagane zabojstwa
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Nie mozesz zresetowac poziomu podczac rozgrywki druzynowej!
RESET_QUERY = Czy NA PEWNO chcesz^nzresetowac sie do poziomu 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Odzyjesz za %i sekund
RULES = Zasady
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Musisz wykonac zabojstwo obecna bronia aby zdobyc poziom
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Jesli wykonasz zabojstwo bronia niezgodnie z kolejnoscia, nie zostanie to uznane i pozostaniesz na obecnym poziomie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Mozesz zdobywac poziomy przez podkladanie bomby i jej rozbrajanie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Jesli popelnisz samobojstwo stracisz poziom.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire zostaje WLACZONY gdy ktos osiagnie poziom GRANATOW.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Mozesz zdobywac wiecej niz 1 poziom w czasie jednej rundy.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Mozesz zdobywac jeden poziom na runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Mozesz zdobywac %i poziomow na runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Jest zaszczytna mozliwosc na koncu kazdej rundy, pozwalajaca graczom zmieniac druzyny.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Poniewaz Knife Pro jest zalaczone, mozesz UKRASC przeciwnikowi poziom zabijajac go nozem.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Poniewaz Turbo Mode jest wlaczony, otrzymasz nowa bron od razu po zdobyciu kolejnego poziomu.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Because Knife Elite Mode is enabled, once you level up you will have to use a knife until the next round.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Poniewaz Deathmatch Mode jest wlaczony, bedziesz ciagle odzywal.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Poniewaz Teamplay Mode jest wlaczony, zdobywasz punkty jako team zamiast indywidualnie.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Wpisz w say !level by zobaczyc aktualny poziom i sprawdzic kto wygrywa.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Wpisz w say !weapons by zobaczyc kolejnosc broni.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Wpisz w say !score by zobaczyc aktualna punktacje graczy.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Wpisz w say !top10 by zobaczyc najlepszych 10 graczy na serwerze.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Wpisz w say !restart by zresetowac poziom do pierwszego.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Zasady i komendy say sa wyswietlone aktualnie w konsoli.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Niektore przydatne komendy:
Wpisz w say !top10 by zobaczyc najlepszych 10 graczy na serwerze^n
Wpisz w say !level by zobaczyc aktualny poziom i sprawdzic kto wygrywa^n
Wpisz w say !weapons by zobaczyc kolejnosc broni^n
Wpisz w say !score by zobaczyc aktualna punktacje graczy
SCORES = Punktacja
SLOW_DOWN = Zwolnij! To jest ciagle rozgrzewka!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Twoje zabojstwo nie zostalo zaliczone poniewaz %%n%s%%e odrodzil sie w ciaglu ostatnich %%g%i%%e sekund
STATS = Statystyki
STATS_REGULAR = Statystyki Normalne
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Statystyki Druzynowe
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Nie przekroczyłeś jeszcze nawet 1 poziomu!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e ukradl poziom od %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e ukradl %%g%i%%e punkty od %%g%s%%e (zdobyl %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e stracil poziom za samobojstwo
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = TEAM %%n%s%%e spadla do poziomu %%g%i%%e przez samobojstwo
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = TEAM %%n%s%%e stracil %%g%i%%e punktow za samobojstwo gracza
TEAM = team
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e dzieli prowadzenie na levelu %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e z %%g%s%%e innymi
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e dzieli prowadzenie na levelu %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e z %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = TEAMY dziela prowadzenie na levelu %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e spadl do poziomu %%g%i%%e za Team Kill
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = TEAM %%n%s%%e spadl do levelu %%g%i%%e za Team Kill
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e stracil %%g%i%%e punktow za Team Kill
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e team stracil %%g%i%%e punkty za Team Kill
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = TEAM %%n%s%%e jest dopiero na poziomie %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e przeskoczyl 3 poziomy!
UNRANKED = bez rankingu
WARMUP_ROUND = Runda rozgrzewkowa
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Koniec rundy rozgrzewkowej!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Runda rozgrzewkowa: %i sekund do konca
WEAPONS = Bronie
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Na tym serwerze dziala GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite Mode jest \rWLACZONY!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode jest \rWLACZONY!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Teamplay Mode jest \rWLACZONY!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Jest \y%i\w leveli na tej mapie
Wpisz !rules by dostac wskazowki jak grac i liste przydatnych komend^n
Wpisz !level by zobaczyc swoj poziom i sprawdzic kto wygrywa^n
Wpisz !score by otrzymac punktacje graczy i wygrane w konsoli^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s wygral!
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = wygrywa!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Ostatni %s zostal wykonany na %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Ostatni %s zostal wykonany na %s przez %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = To jest %s'a %i%s zwyciestwo To jest Twoje %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (Twoj rekord: %i z rzedu) To jest Twoje %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (Twoj rekord: %i z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = Masz teraz w sumie %i druzynowych wygranych. To jest Twoje %i%s druzynowe zwyciestwo z rzedu(Twoj rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Masz w sumie %i zwyciestw.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = Masz w sumie %i zwyciestw.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = Masz w sumie %i druzynowych zwyciestw.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Wlasnie zdobyles %i punktow. Lacznie %i punktow z %i zwyciestw!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = Wlasnie zdobyles %i punktow. Lacznie %i punktow z %i zwyciestw!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = Wlasnie zdobyles %i druzynowych punktow. Lacznie %i punktow z %i wygranych!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Nastepna mapa to %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Jest ostania runda do konca.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Jest %i rund do konca mapy
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = To jest Twoje %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (Twoj rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = To jest Twoje %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (Twoj rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = To jest Twoja %i%s druzynowa wygrana z rzedu (Twoj rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Twoj rekord to %i zwyciestw z rzedu.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Twoj rekord zwyciestw to %i zwyciestw z rzedu
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Twoj rekord to %i druzynowych zwyciestw z rzedu.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = Rekord %i zwyciestw z rzedu zostal ustalony przez %s This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Imas ukupno %i pobeda.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Postigao si %i poena, za ukupno %i poena sa %i pobeda!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Sledeca mapa ce biti %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Ima jos jedna runda na ovoj mapi.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Ima jos %i rundi na ovoj mapi.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = pobedjuje
WON = %%n%s%%e je pobednik!
WON_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je pobedio
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Your kill did not count because %%n%s%%e was AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Atcelt
CLOSE = Slēgt
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gKomandas uguns IESLĒGTS!!!%%e Uzmanies kur šauj!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e nokrita uz līmeni %%g%i%%e par ķīlnieka nogalināšanu
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda nokrita par līmeni %%g%i%%e par ķīlnieka nogalināšanu
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e pazaudēja %%g%i%%e punktus par ķīlnieka nogalināšanu
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda pazaudēja %%g%i%%e punktus par ķīlnieka nogalināšanu
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Lec uz manis
LEADER = Leader
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e ir līderis ar līmeni %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is leading on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Līmenis
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Tu esi veicis %i/%i no nepieciešamajām slepkavībām
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Tava komanda ir izdarījusi %i/%i no nepieciešamajām slepkavībām
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Tu esi vadībā
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Tu esi saistīts vadībā pirmo vietu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Tu esi %i līmeņus aiz līdera
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Tu esi vinnējis %i reizes
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Tu esi uzkrājis %i punktus par %i uzvarām
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Tu esi vinnējis %i reizes (ierindots %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Tu esi uzkrājis %i punktus par %i uzvarām (ierindots %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Pašreizējie līderi: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Pašreizējais līderis: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Līdera līmenis: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Tu esi %%g%i%%e līmeņus aiz līdera
NEXT = Nākošais
NO = Nē
NONE = neviens
NO_ONE = neviens
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Šim serverim ir izslēgta uzvarētāju reģistrācija.
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Jūs patreiz esat līmenī
ON_LEVEL = Jūs esat līmenī
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Tava komanda ir līmenī
PLAY_GUNGAME = Spēlēt GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e atgrieza sevi %%g1%%e līmenī
POINTS = punkti
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Nospiediet jebkuru cipara taustiņu
PREVIOUS = Iepriekšējais
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = You need %%n%i%%e kills to advance. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Tu esi vadībā ar %i līmeni
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Tu esi saistīts vadībā ar %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Tu esi saistīts vadībā ar %s citiem
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Tu esi %i līmeņus aiz līdera
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Tava komanda ir vadībā ar %i līmeņiem
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Tava komanda ir saistīta vadībā ar otru komandu
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Tava komanda ir %i līmeņus aiz otras komandas
PRUNING = Saīsināts %s: %i ieraksti dzēsti.
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Nepieciešamās slepkavības
RESET_QUERY = Vai TU esi PĀRLIECINĀTS^nka vēlies atgriezties 1 līmenī?
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Tu nevari dzēst līmeni Komandas Moda laikā!
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Tu atdzimsi %i sekundēs
RULES = Noteikumi
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Tev ir kāds jānogalina ar šo ieroci lai iegūtu nākošo līmeni.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Ja Tu nogalini kādu ar ieroci kurš nav paredzētajā kārtībā, tas neskaitās un līmeni neiegūsti.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Tu vari paaugstināt līmeni UZSTĀDOT un ATMĪNĒJOT C4.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Ja tu izdarīsi pašnāvību, tu zaudēsi līmeni.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Komandas uguns tiks IESLĒGTS kad sasniegs GRANĀDES līmeni.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Tu VARI iegūt vairāk par vienu līmeni raundā.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Tu vari iegūt tikai vienu līmeni raundā.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Tu vari iegūt %i līmeņus raunda laikā.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Šis ir pagarinajums, katra raunda beigās spēlētajs var mainīt komandu.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Jūs varat nozag līmeni nodurot pretinieku, jo ir aktivizēts Nazis Pro.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Turbo Mods ir ieslēgts, TU iegūsi nākošo ieroci nekavējoties pēc slepkavībās.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Knife Elite Mods ir ieslēgts, tiklīdz iegūsi nākošo līmeni tev būs jālieto nazis līdz nākošā raunda sākumam.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Nāvesmačs Mods ir ieslēgts, tu atdzimsi nekavējoties.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Komandas Mods ir ieslēgts, tu iegūsi punktus kā komanda nevis personiski.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Raksti !level lai redzētu tavu pašreizējo līmeni un līderi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Raksti !weapons lai redzētu ieroču kārtību.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Raksti !score lai redzētu visu spēlētaju punktu skaitu.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Raksti !top10 lai redzētu top 10 spēlētajus šajā serverī.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Raksti !restart lai atgrieztu sevi uz līmeni 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Spēles noteikumi un visas say komandas ir tagad uzskaitītas tavā konsolē
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Dažas noderīgas say komandas:
Raksti !top10 lai redzētu top 10 spēlētajus šajā serverī^n
Raksti !level lai redzētu tavu pašreizējo līmeni un līderi^n
Raksti !weapons lai redzētu ieroču kārtību^n
Raksti !score lai redzētu spēlētāju punktu skaitu
SCORES = Punktu skaits
SLOW_DOWN = Piebremzē! Šis ir tikai iesildīšanās raunds!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Tava slepkavība neskaitījās jo %%n%s%%e atdzima pēdējās %%g%i%%e sekundes
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Tu vēl joprojām neesi ticis pāri pirmajam līmenim!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e nozaga līmeni no %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e zaudēja līmeni dēļ pašnāvības
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda nokrita par līmeni %%g%i%%e par pašnāvību
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda pazaudēja %%g%i%%e punktus par pašnāvību
TEAM = komanda
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e ir saistīts vadībā ar līmeni %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e ar %%g%s%%e citiem
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e ir saistīts vadībā ar līmeni %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e ar %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Komandas ir saistītas ar līmeni %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e atkrita uz %%g%i%%e līmeni par komandas biedra nogalināšanu
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda nokrita par līmeni %%g%i%%e dēļ komandas biedra nogalināšanu
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e pazaudēja %%g%i%%e punktus par komandas biedra nogalināšanu
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda pazaudēja %%g%i%%e punktus par komandas biedra nogalināšanu
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda seko ar līmeni %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e trīskāršots līmenis!!!
UNRANKED = nav ierindots
WARMUP_ROUND = Iesildīšanās rounds
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Iesildīšanās raunda beigas!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Iesildīšanās rounds: %i sekundes atlikušas
WEAPONS = Ieroči
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Šis serveris lieto GunGame %s no Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Nazis Pro ir \rIeslēgts!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE3 = Turbo Mods ir \rIeslēgts!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Nāvesmačs Mods ir \rIeslēgts!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mods ir \rIeslēgts!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Komandas Mods ir \rIeslēgts!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Šeit ir \y%i\w līmeņi raundā!
Raksti !rules instrukcija kā spēlēt un komandu saraksts ^n
Raksti !level lai iegūtu tava līmeņa un līdera info^n
Raksti !score lai iegūtu sarakstu ar spēlētaju punktiem un uzvarām jūsu konsolē^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s vinnēja!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = %s komanda
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = ir uzvarētaji!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Pēdējo %s slepkavību veica pret %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Pēdējo %s klepkavību veica pret %s no %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Šī ir %s's %i%s uzvara, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Tev kopā ir %i uzvaras.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Tu tikko ieguvi %i punktus, kopā %i punktus ar %i uzvarām!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Nākošā mape būs %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Te ir one raunds palicis mapē.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Te ir %i raundi palikuši mapē.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = uzvaras
WON = %%n%s%%e vinnēja
WON_TEAM = %%n%s%%e komanda vinnēja
YES = Jā
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Убийството ти не е зачетено защото %%n%s%%e беше AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Отказ
CLOSE = Затвори
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire е включен!!!%%e Гледай къде стреляш!
GAINED_POINTS = Ти спечели %%g%i%%e точки, от общо %%g%i%%e точки ,със %%g%i%%e победи!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e се върна едно ниво надолу %%g%i%%e защото уби заложник.
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e загуби %%g%i%%e защото уби заложник.
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът се върна до ниво %%g%i%%e защото уби заложник.
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът загуби %%g%i%%e точки защото уби заложник.
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Jump to me
LEADER = Лидер
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e е лидер на ниво %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът е лидер на ниво %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Ниво
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = До тук си направил %i/%i от необходимите убийства.
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Твоят отбор е направил %i/%i от необходимите убийства.
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Ти си лидерът.
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = You are tied for first place
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Ти си на %i нива след лидера.
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Ти победи %i пъти
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Ти натрупа %i точки от %i победи
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Ти победи %i пъти (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Ти натрупа %i точки от %i победи (ranked %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Текущи лидери: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Текущ лидер: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Лидерът е на ниво: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Сега си %%g%i%%e нива след лидера.
NEXT = Следващ
NONE = нищо
NO_ONE = никой
NO_WIN_LOGGING = This server has win logging disabled
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Сега си на ниво
ON_LEVEL = Ти си на ниво
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Твоят отбор е на ниво
PLAY_GUNGAME = Да играем GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e се върна сам до ниво %%g1%%e
POINTS = точки
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Натисни някой цифров клавиш за да продължиш
PREVIOUS = Предишен
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = You need %%n%i%%e kills to advance. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Ти си лидер със %i нива
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Ти си с равен брой точки с %s за лидерство
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Ти си с равен брой точки с %s други
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Ти си %i нива след лидера
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Твоят отбор е лидер с %i нива
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Твоят отбор има равен брой точки с другият отбор
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Твоят отбор е %i нива след другият отбор
PRUNING = Pruning %s: %i entries removed
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Необходими убийства
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Не можеш да нулираш нивото си по време на Teamplay режим!
RESET_QUERY = СИГУРЕН ли си че искаш^nда се върнеш до 1-во ниво?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Ще се преродиш след %i секунди
RULES = Правила
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Трябва да убиеш с текущото си оръжие за да вдигнеш нивото си.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Ако убиеш с оръжие което не е на ред,то няма да ти се зачете и ще си останеш на текущото ниво.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Можеш да вдигаш нивото си като ЗАЛАГАШ или ОБЕЗВРЕЖДАШ бомбата.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Ако се самоубиеш,ще загубиш нивото си.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire се включва когато някой достигне GRENADE нивото.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) МОЖЕШ да вигаш повече от едно ниво за рунд.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Можеш да вдигаш само по едно ниво за рунд.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Можеш да качваш до %i нива за рунд.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Има период за отсрочка в края на всеки рунд в който играчите могат да сменят отборите си.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Тъй като Knife Pro е включен,можеш да откраднеш ниво от опонент като го заколиш.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Тъй като Turbo Mode е включен,ще получиш следващото си оръжие веднага щом вдигнеш нивото си.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Тъй като Knife Elite Mode е включен,веднъж като си вдигнеш нивото,ще трябва да използваш само ножа си до следващия рунд.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Тъй като Deathmatch Mode е включен,ще се прераждаш непрекъснато.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Тъй като Teamplay Mode е включен,ще трупаш точки за отбора вместо за себе си.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level за да видиш текущото си ниво и кой води.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons за да видиш реда на оръжията.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score за да видиш резултатът на всички играчи.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 за да видиш 10-те най добри в сървъра.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart за да се върнеш на 1-во ниво.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Правилата на играта и всички команди са изписани в конзолата ти.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Някои полезни say команди:
Напиши !top10 за да видиш 10-те най добри в сървъра^n
Напиши !level за да видиш текущото си ниво и кой води^n
Напиши !weapons за да видиш реда на оръжията^n
Напиши !score за да видиш резултатът на всички играчи
SCORES = Резултати
SLOW_DOWN = Опаа,по-полека де!Още сме на загряващото ниво!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Убийството ти не е зачетено защото %%n%s%%e се роди в последните %%g%i%%e секунди
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Все още не си преминал 1-во ниво!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e открадна ниво от %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e открадна %%g%i%%e точки от %%g%s%%e (вдигна %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e загуби ниво за самоубийство
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът се върна до ниво %%g%i%%e за самоубийство
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът загуби %%g%i%%e точки за смоубийство
TEAM = отбор
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e се изравни до ниво %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e с %%g%s%%e други
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e се изравни до ниво %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e с %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Отборите се изравниха до ниво %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e се върна ниво надолу до %%g%i%%e за убийство на съотборник
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът се върна ниво надолу до %%g%i%%e за убийство на съотборник
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e изгуби %%g%i%%e точки за убийство на съотборник
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът загуби %%g%i%%e точки за убийство на съотборник
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът седи на %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e тройно вдигане!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = Загряващ рунд
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Загряващият рунд приключи!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Загряващ рунд: %i секунди остават
WEAPONS = Оръжия
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Този сървър работи с GunGame %s от Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode е \rВКЛЮЧЕН!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Този рунд има \y%i\w нива!
Напиши !rules за инструкции как се играе и лист със командите^n
Напиши !level за да видиш нивото си и кой е лидерът^n
Напиши !score за да видиш резултатът на всички играчи^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = %s отборът
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = е победител!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Последното %s убийство бе срещу %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Последното %s убийство бе срещу %s от %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Това е %s %i%s победа, This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = You now have a total of %i regular wins. This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = You now have a total of %i teamplay wins. This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Имаш общо %i победи.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = You have a total of %i regular wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = You have a total of %i teamplay wins.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Ти спечели %i точки,от общо %i точки с %i победи!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = You have just gained %i regular points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = You have just gained %i teamplay points, for a total of %i points with %i wins!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Следващата карта ще е %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Има още one рунд на тази карта.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Има още %i рунда на тази карта.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = победи
WON = %%n%s%%e победа
WON_TEAM = %%n%s%%e отборът победи
YES_REGULAR = Yes, regular mode
YES_TEAMPLAY = Yes, teamplay mode
AFK_KILL = Ubojstvo ti se ne racuna jer je %%n%s%%e bio AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Igra se GunGame sa teamplay modom
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Igra se regularni GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Ne igra se GunGame
CANCEL = Prekini
CLOSE = Zatvori
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire je Ukljucen!!!%%e Pazi gdje pucas!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = Skupio si %%g%i%%e osobnih bodova, za ukupno %%g%i%%e bodova u %%g%i%%e pobjeda!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = Skupio si %%g%i%%e timskih bodova, za ukupno %%g%i%%e bodova u %%g%i%%e pobjeda!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e jer je ubio taoca
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio %%g%i%%e bodova jer je ubio taoca
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Nivo %%n%s%%e tima je pao %%g%i%%e jer je ubijen taoc
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e bodova zbog ubistva taoca
IN_A_ROW = %i u nizu
JUMP_TO_ME = Skoci na mene
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e vodi i ima nivo %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim vodi na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Imas %i/%i potrebnih ubojstava
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Tvoj tim je napravio %i/%i od potrebnih ubojstava
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Vodis, imas najvisi nivo!
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Izjednacen si za prvo mjesto
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = %i si nivoa iza vodeceg igraca
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Dobio si %i puta
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = Imas %i osobnih pobjeda
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = Imas %i timskih pobjeda
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Akumulirao si %i bodova tokom %i pobjeda
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = Skupio si %i osobnih bodova u %i pobjeda
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = Skupio si %i timskih bodova u %i pobjeda
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Vas rekord je %i pobjeda u nizu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Vas rekord je %i osobnih pobjeda u nizu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Vas rekord je %i timskih pobjeda u nizu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Trenutno vode: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Trenutno vodi: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Vodeci igrac ima nivo: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Sada si %%g%i%%e nivoa iza vodeceg igraca
NEXT = Sljedeca
NONE = Nista
NO_ONE = nitko
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Server ima ukljuceno logiranje pobjeda
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Sada si na nivou
ON_LEVEL = Sada si na nivou
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Tvoj tim je na nivou
PLAY_GUNGAME = Da igramo GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e se resetirao nazad na nivo %%g1%%e
POINTS = bodova
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Pritisni bilo koji broj da nastavis
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = You need %%n%i%%e kills to advance. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Vodis na %i nivou
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Izjednacen si u vodstvu sa %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Izjednacen si u vodstvu sa %s drugih
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = %i nivoa zaostajes za prvim
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Tvoj tim vodi sa %i nivoa
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Tvoj tim je izjednacen sa drugim timom
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Tvoj tim je %i nivoa iza vodeceg tima
PRUNING = Cistim %s: %i stavki ocisceno
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Potrebno ubojstava
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Ne mozes resetirati svoj nivo tokom Timske igre!
RESET_QUERY = Da li si siguran da zelis^nresetirati nazad na nivo 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Respawnovati ces se za %i sekundi
RULES = Pravila
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Moras napraviti 3 ubojtva sa trenutnim oruzjem, da bi napredovao na sljedeci nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Ako napravis ubojstvo sa oruzjem koje nije tvoj nivo, ne racuna se za napredovanje.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Mozes napredovati nivo ako PUKNE C4 ili ako ga DEFUZAS.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Ako napravis samoubistvo, gubis nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire se ukljucuje ako neko dostigne GRANATA nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Mozes napredovati vise nivoa po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Mozes napredovati samo 1 nivo po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Mozes napredovati max %i nivoa po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Postoji period milosti na kraju runde koji dozvoljava igracima da zamijene tim.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Knife Pro mod, mozes ukrasti nivo igracu ako ga zakoljes nozem.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Turbo mod, dobivas novo oruzje cim napredujes nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Knife Elite mod, jednom kad napredujes nivo, morati ces koristiti noz do pocetka sledece runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Deathmatch mod, respawnas se neprestano.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Teamplay mod, dobvati ces bodove timski a ne individualno.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i ko vodi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons da vidis redoslijed oruzja(nivoa).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score da vidis rezultate svih igraca.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 da vidis 10 naj pobjednika na serveru.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart da se restartas na 1. nivo.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Pravila igre i say komande su ti izlistane u konzoli.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Neke korisne say komande:
Say !top10 da vidis 10 naj pobjednika na serveru^n
Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i tko vodi^n
Say !weapons da vidis redoslijed oruzja(nivoa)^n
Say !score da vidis rezultate svih igraca^n
SCORES = Rezultati
SLOW_DOWN = Uspori! Ovo je i dalje warmup runda!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Tvoje ubistvo se ne racuna jer se %%n%s%%e spawnovao zadnjih %%g%i%%e sekundi
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Normalni stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Timski stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Nisi jos prosao ni 1. nivo!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e je ukrao nivo od %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e je ukrao %%g%i%%e bodova od %%g%s%%e (skupio %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio nivo zbog samoubojstva
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e zbog samoubojstva
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena zbog samoubojstva
TEAM = tim
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e je izjednacen na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e sa %%g%s%%e drugih
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e je izjednacen na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e da %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Timovi su izjednaceni na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e jer je ubio suigraca
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e zbog team kill-a
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio %%g%i%%e bodova za ubojstvo saigraca
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e bodova za team kill
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim se popeo na level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e je trostruko napredovao!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = GunGame Warmup runda
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = GunGame Warmup Runda Zavrsena!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Warmup Runda: %i jos sekundi
WEAPONS = Oruzja
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Ovaj server koristi GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Knife Elite mode is \rUKLJUCEN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch mode je \rUKLJUCEN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Teamplay mode is \rUKLJUCEN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Ima \y%i\w nivoa u ovoj rundi!
Say !rules za instrukcije kako se igra GunGame i spisak komandi^n
Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i tko vodi^n
Say !score da u konzoli dobijes rezultate svih igraca i pobjeda^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s je pobjednik!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = %s tim
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = je pobjednik!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Posljednje ubojstvo %s je napravljeno protiv %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Posljednje %s ubistvo je napravljeno protiv %s od strane %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Ovo je %s's %i%s. pobjeda, Ovo ti je %i%s. pobjeda u nizu (tvoj rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = Sada imas %i osobnih pobjeda. Ovo ti je %i%s. osobna pobjeda u nizu (tvoj rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = Sada imas %i timskih pobjeda. >Ovo ti je %i%s. timska pobjeda u nizu (tvoj rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Imas ukupno %i pobjeda.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = Sada imas %i osobnih pobjeda.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = Sada imas %i timskih pobjeda.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Postigao si %i bodova, za ukupno %i bodova sa %i pobjeda!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = Skupio si %i osobnih bodova, za ukupno %i bodova u %i pobjeda!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = Skupio si %i timskih bodova, za ukupno %i bodova u %i pobjeda!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Sljedeca mapa ce biti %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Biti ce jos jedna runda na ovoj mapi.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Biti ce jos %i rundi na ovoj mapi.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = This is your %i%s win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = This is your %i%s regular win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = This is your %i%s teamplay win in a row (your record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = The all-time record streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = The all-time record regular streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = The all-time record teamplay streak, %i wins in a row, was set by %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s just set a new all-time record streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s just set a new all-time record regular streak with %i wins in a row!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s just set a new all-time record teamplay streak with %i wins in a row!
WINS = pobjedjuje
WON = %%n%s%%e je pobjednik!
WON_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je pobjedio
YES_REGULAR = Da, regularan mod
YES_TEAMPLAY = Da, teamplay mod
AFK_KILL = Jusu nuzudymas nepriskaiciuotas kadangi %%n%s%%e yra AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Zaidziamas GunGame komandos rezime
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Zaidziamas paprastas Gungame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Nezaidziamas GunGame
CANCEL = Atsaukti
CLOSE = Uzdaryti
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gSaviskiu saudymas IJUNGTAS!!!%%e Ziurek kur saudai!
GAINED_POINTS = Jus katik gavote %%g%i%%e taskus(-a), is viso turite %%g%i%%e taskus su %%g%i%%e pergalemis!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = Jus katik gavote %%g%i%%e taskus(-a), is viso turite %%g%i%%e taskus su %%g%i%%e pergalemis!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = Jus katik gavote %%g%i%%e komandos taskus(-a), is viso turite %%g%i%%e taskus su %%g%i%%e pergalemis!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e nukrito lygiu zemiau %%g%i%%e uz ikaitu zudyma
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e parardo %%g%i%%e uz ikaitu zudyma
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e nukrito i lygi %%g%i%%e uz ikaitu zudyma
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e pararado %%g%i%%e taskus(-a) uz ikaitu zudyma
IN_A_ROW = %i is eiles
JUMP_TO_ME = Persokti prie manes
LEADER = Lyderis
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e yra lyderis %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e lyderiauja %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Lygis
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Tu pasiekiai %i/%i is taves reikalaujamu nuzudymu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Tavo komanda pasieke %i/%i reikalautu nuzudymu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Jus esate tarp lyderiu
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Tu patekai i pirma vieta
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = Tu esi %i lygiais zemiau nei lyderis
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Jus laimejote %i kartus(-a)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = Jus laimejote %i kartus(-a)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = Jus turite %i komandinius laimejimus
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = Jus sukaupete %i taskus per %i pergales(-e)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = Jus sukaupete %i taskus per %i pergales(-e)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = Jus sukaupete %i komandinius taskus per %i pergales(-e)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Tavo laimejimu rekordas yra %i pergales is eiles
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Tavo laimejimu rekordas yra %i pergales is eiles
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Tavo komandinio zaidimo laimejimu rekordas yra %i pergales is eiles
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Dabartinis lyderis: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Current leader: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Lyderio lygis: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Tu dabar esi %%g%i%%e lygiais zemiau nei lyderis
NEXT = Kitas
NONE = nera
NO_ONE = niekas
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Sis serveris yra isjunges pergaliu skaiciavima
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Jusu lygis dabar yra
ON_LEVEL = Jus lygis dabar yra
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Tavo komandos lygis yra
PLAY_GUNGAME = Zaisti GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e sugryzo pats prie lygio %%g1%%e
POINTS = taskai
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Spauskite bet kuri skaiciu pratesimui
PREVIOUS = Anksciau
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = Jums reikia %%n%i%%e nuzudymus pereiti toliau. Taskai: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Jus esate lyderis su %i lygiu
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Jus esate tarp lyderiu su %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Jus esate tarp lyderiu su %s kitais
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = Jus esate %i lygiais zemiau nei lyderis
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Tavo komanda lyderiauja su %i lygiu
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Tavo komanda lyderiauja su kita komanda
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Tavo komanda yra %i lygiu(-iais) zemiau nei lyderiu komanda
PRUNING = Isvalymas %s: %i irasai pasalinti
RECORD_STREAK = Laimejimu rekordas: %s (%i is eiles)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Reikalingi nuzudymai
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Jus negalite istrinti savo lygio zaisdami Komandini zaidima!
RESET_QUERY = Ar jus isitikines kad norite^nsumazinti savo lygi iki 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Jus atsigausite po %i sekundziu(-es)
RULES = Taisykles
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Jus turite nuzudyti priesininka su dabartiniu ginklu kad pereitume i kita lygi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) jeigu nuzudysite priesininka su kitu ginklu nei jums priklaus, taskai neprisikaiciuos.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Jus galite gauti taskus uz bombos PADEJIMA ir ISMINAVIMA.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Jeigu jus nusizudysite, jus prarasite lygi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Saviskiu saudymas isijungia tuomet kai kas nors pasiekia Granatos lygi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Jus galite gauti daugiau nei 1 lygi per rounda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Jus galite gauti tik 1 lygi per rounda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Jus galite gauti %i lygius per rounda.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) There is a grace period at the end of each round to allow players to switch teams.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Kadangi Peilio Pro yra ijuntas, jus galite gauti lygi nuzude priesininka su peiliu.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) kadangi yra ijuntas Turbo rezimas, jus gausite kita ginkla iskart kai tik pasieksite kita lygi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Kadangi Peilio Elite yra ijungtas, gave nauja lygi turesite zaisti su peiliu iki kito roundo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Kadangi Deathmatch rezimas yra ijungtas, jus atsirasite neribotai kartu.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Kadangi Komandos rezimas yra ijungtas, jus gausite lygi tik su komanda, o ne atskirai.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level perziureti jusu lygi ir kas laimi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons perziureti ginklu isdestyma.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score perziureti dabartiniu zaideju taskus.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 perziureti Top10 laimetoju sarasa.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart nuzeminti lygi iki 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Zaidimo taisykles ir visos komandos yra surasytos jusu konsoleje
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Keletas naudingu komandu:
Rasykite !top10 pamatyti Top10 serverio zaideju^n
Rasykite !level perziureti savo lygi ir kas laimi^n
Rasykite !weapons perziureti ginklu isdestyma^n
Rasykite !score perziureti zaidejo taskus
SCORES = Taskai
SLOW_DOWN = Ramiau! Tai tik apsilimo roundas!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Jusu taskai neuzskaityti kadangi %%n%s%%e zaidejas atsirado tik pries %%g%i%%e sekundes
STATS = Statistika
STATS_REGULAR = Statistika
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Komandine statistika
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Jus dar net nepraejote ne 1 lygio!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e ateme lygi is %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e ateme %%g%i%%e taskus is %%g%s%%e (gavo %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e prarado lygi del nusizudymo
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e nukrito lygiu zemiau iki %%g%i%%e uz nusizudyma
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e prarado %%g%i%%e taskus uz nusizudyma
TEAM = komanda
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e lyderiauja %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e su %%g%s%%e kitais
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e lyderiauja su lygiu %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e su %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Komandos lyderiauja %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e nukrito i lygi %%g%i%%e uz komandos zudyma
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e nukrito i lygi %%g%i%%e uz komandos zudyma
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e prarado %%g%i%%e uz komandos zudyma
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e parado %%g%i%%e taskus(-a) uz komandos zudyma
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Komanda %%n%s%%e vejesi su lygiu %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e trigubas lygis!!!
UNRANKED = neivertintas
WARMUP_ROUND = Apsilimo roundas
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = Apsilimo roundas baigtas!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Apsilimo roundas: Liko %i sekundes
WEAPONS = Ginklai
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Sis serveris veikia su GunGame %s sukurtas pagal Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Peilio Elite Rezimas yra \rIJUNGTAS!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Rezimas yra \rIJUNGTAS!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Komandinis rezimas yra \rIJUNGTAS!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = isviso yra \y%i\w lygiai siame rounde!
Rasykite !rules gauti instrukcijoms kaip zaisti ir kokios komandos yra^n
Rasykite !level gauti savo lygio informacija ir kas pirmiauja^n
Rasykite !score gauti visu zaideju lygius ir taskus^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = Laimejo %s!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = komanda %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = yra laimetojas!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Paskutinis %s nuzudymas buvo atliktas %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Paskutinis %s buvo atliktas %s zaidejo %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Tai yra %s %i%s pergale, Tai yra tavo %i%s pergale is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = Jus dabar turite %i pergales(-e). Tai yra tavo %i%s pergale is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_TP = Jus dabar turite %i komandines pergales. Tai yra tavo %i%s komandines pergales(-e) is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B = Jus isviso turite %i pergales(-e).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_REG = Jus isviso turite %i pergales(-e).
WIN_MOTD_LINE7B_TP = jus isviso turite %i komandines pergales.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C = Jus gavote %i taskus, isviso turite %i taskus su %i pergalemis(-e)!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_REG = Jus gavote %i taskus, isviso turite %i taskus su %i pergalemis(-e)!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7C_TP = Jus gavote %i komandinius taskus, isviso turite %i taskus su %i pergalemis(-e)!
WIN_MOTD_LINE8A = Kitas zemelapis bus %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE8B = Liko vienas roundas siame zemelapyje.
WIN_MOTD_LINE8C = Liko %i roundai siame zemelapyje.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1 = Tai yra tavo %i%s pergale is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_REG = Tai yra tavo %i%s pergale is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK1_TP = Tai yra tavo %i%s komandine pergale is eiles (tavo rekordas: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2 = Tavo rekordas yra %i pergales is eiles.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_REG = Tavo rekordas yra %i pergales is eiles.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK2_TP = Tavo rekordas yra %i komandines pergales is eiles.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3 = Geriausias rekordas yra, %i pergales is eiles, buvo atliktas pagal %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = Geriausias rekordas yra, %i pergales is eiles, buvo atliktas pagal %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = Geriausias rekordas yra, %i komandines pergales is eiles, buvo atliktas pagal %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s katik nustate geriausia pergaliu skaiciu su %i pergalemis is eiles!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s katik nustate geriausia pergaliu skaiciu su %i pergalemis is eiles!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s katik nustate geriausia pergaliu skaiciu su %i komandinemis pergalemis is eiles!
WINS = laimejimai
WON = %%n%s%%e laimejo
WON_TEAM = Laimejo %%n%s%%e komanda
YES_REGULAR = Taip, paprastas rezimas
YES_TEAMPLAY = Taip, komandinis rezimas
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = Das ist %s's %i%s normaler Sieg,
und sein %i%s normaler Sieg in Folge (Sein Rekord: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = Das ist %s's %i%s teamplay Sieg,
und ihr %i%s Teamplay Sieg in Folge (Ihr Record: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s hat nun insgesammt %i Punkte.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s hat nun insgesamt %i normale Punkte.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s hat nun insgesamt %i Teamplay Punkte.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Das ist %s's %i%s Sieg, mit nun insgesammt %i Punkten,
und sein %i%s Sieg in Folge (sein Rekord: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = Das ist %s's %i%s normaler Sieg, fuer insgesamt %i Punkte,
und sein %i%s normler Sieg in Folge(sein Rekord: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = Das ist %s's %i%s Teamplay Sieg, fuer insgesamt %i Punkte,
und sein %i%s Teamplay Sieg in Folge(sein Rekord: %i in Folge).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Du warst zu %i%% deiner Spielzeit im Gewinner-Team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Du hast nun insgesamt %i Siege.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s cumule maintenant un total de %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = %s remporte sa %i%s eme victoire, il cumule un total de %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Tu as passe %i%% de ton temps dans l'equipe victorieuse.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Tu as maintenant un total de %i victoires.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
y su %i%s victoria consecutiva (su record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = %s consiguio su %i%s victoria individual,
y su %i%s victoria individual consecutiva (su record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = %s consiguio su %i%s victoria en equipo,
y su %i%s victoria en equipo consecutiva (su record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s tiene ahora un total de %i puntos.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s tiene ahora un total de %i puntos individuales.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s tiene ahora un total de %i puntos en equipo.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Esta es la %i%s victoria de %s, haciendo un total de %i puntos,
y su %i%s victoria consecutiva (su record: %i victorias consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = Esta es %s's %i%s victoria individual, haciendo un total de %i puntos,
y su %i%s victoria individual consecutiva (su record: %i consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = Esta es %s's %i%s victoria en equipo, haciendo un total de %i puntos,
ay su %i%s victoria en equipo consecutiva (su record: %i consecutivas).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Has usado %i%% de tu tiempo contribuyendo al equipo ganador.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Tienes ahora un total de %i victorias.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s now has a total of %i points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = This is %s's %i%s win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = You spent %i%% of your time contributing to the winning team.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = You now have a total of %i wins.
To jest jego%i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = To jest %s'a %i%s zwyciestwo
To jest jego %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = To jest %s'a %i%s druzynowe zwyciestwo.
Nastepnie %i%s druzynowe zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s teraz ma w sumie %i punktow
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s teraz ma w sumie %i punktow
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s teraz ma w sumie %i druzynowych punktow
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = To jest %s'a %i%s zwyciestwo, w sumie ma %i punktow.
Jest to jego aktualnie %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i wygranych z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = To jest %s'a %i%s zwyciestwo, w sumie ma %i punktow.
Jest to jego aktualnie %i%s zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i zwyciestw z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = To jest %s'a %i%s druzynowe zwyciestwo, w sumie ma %i punktow.
Jest to jego aktualnie %i%s druzynowe zwyciestwo z rzedu (jego rekord: %i z rzedu)
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Spedziles %i%% swojego czasu przyczyniajac sie do wygranej!
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Masz teraz w sumie %i zwyciestw.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A_REG = Masz teraz w sumie %i zwyciestw.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_REG = Rekord %i zwyciestw z rzedu zostal ustalony przez %s
WIN_MOTD_STREAK3_TP = Rekord %i druzynowych zwyciestw z rzedu zostal ustalony przez %s.
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4 = %s ustanowil nowy rekord z %i zwyciestwami z rzedu!!!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_REG = %s ustanowil nowy rekord z %i zwyciestwami z rzedu!
WIN_MOTD_STREAK4_TP = %s ustanowil nowy rekord druzynowych zwyciestw z %i wygranymi z rzedu!
WINS = zwyciestw
WON = %%n%s%%e zwyciezyl
WON_TEAM = %%n%s%%e Team
YES_REGULAR = GunGame Normalny
YES_TEAMPLAY = GunGame Druzynowy
AFK_KILL = Ubistvo ti se ne racuna jer je %%n%s%%e bio AFK
AUTOVOTE_RES1 = Playing GunGame with teamplay mode
AUTOVOTE_RES2 = Playing regular GunGame
AUTOVOTE_RES3 = Not playing GunGame
CANCEL = Prekini
CLOSE = Zatvori
FRIENDLYFIRE_ON = %%gFriendly Fire je Ukljucen!!!%%e Pazi gde pucas!
GAINED_POINTS = You have just gained %%g%i%%e points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_REG = You have just gained %%g%i%%e regular points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
GAINED_POINTS_TP = You have just gained %%g%i%%e teamplay points, for a total of %%g%i%%e points with %%g%i%%e wins!
HK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e jer je ubio taoca
HK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena jer je ubio taoca
HK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = Nivo %%n%s%%e tima je pao %%g%i%%e jer je ubijen taoc
HK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena zbog ubistva taoca
IN_A_ROW = %i in a row
JUMP_TO_ME = Skoci na mene
LEADING_ON_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e vodi i ima nivo %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEADING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim vodi na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
LEVEL = Level
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1A = Imas %i/%i potrebnih ubistava
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE1B = Tvoj tim je napravio %i/%i od potrebnih ubistava
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2A = Vodish, imas najvishi nivo!
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2B = Izjednacen si za prvo mesto
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE2C = %i si nivoa iza vodeceg igraca
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A = Dobio si %i puta
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_REG = You have %i regular wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3A_TP = You have %i teamplay wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B = You have accumulated %i points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_REG = You have accumulated %i regular points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3B_TP = You have accumulated %i teamplay points over %i wins
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3C = Pobedio si %i puta (rank %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE3D = Akumulirao si %i poena tokom %i pobeda (rank %i%s)
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4 = Your record streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_REG = Your record regular streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE4_TP = Your record teamplay streak is %i wins in a row
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5A = Trenutno vode: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE5B = Trenutno vodi: %s
LEVEL_MESSAGE_LINE6 = Vodeci igrac ima nivo: %i (%s)
LEVELS_BEHIND_LEADER = Sada si %%g%i%%e nivoa iza vodeceg igraca
NEXT = Sledeca
NONE = Nista
NO_ONE = niko
NO_WIN_LOGGING = Server ima ukljuceno logovanje pobeda
NOW_ON_LEVEL = Sada si na nivou
ON_LEVEL = Sada si na nivou
ON_LEVEL_TEAM = Tvoj tim je na nivou
PLAY_GUNGAME = Da igramo GunGame?
PLAYER_RESET = %%n%s%%e se resetovao nazad na nivo %%g1%%e
POINTS = poena
PRESS_KEY_TO_CONTINUE = Pritisni bilo koji broj da nastavis
PROGRESS_DISPLAY = You need %%n%i%%e kills to advance. Score: %%n%i / %i%%e
PROGRESS_DISPLAY1 = Vodis na %i nivou
PROGRESS_DISPLAY2 = Izjednacen si u vodjstvu sa %s
PROGRESS_DISPLAY3 = Izjednacen si u vodjstvu sa %s drugih
PROGRESS_DISPLAY4 = %i nivoa zaostajes za prvim
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM1 = Tvoj tim vodi sa %i nivoa
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM2 = Tvoj tim je izjednacen sa drugim timom
PROGRESS_DISPLAY_TEAM3 = Tvoj tim jw %i nivoa iza vodeceg tima
PRUNING = Cistim %s: %i stavki ocisceno
RECORD_STREAK = Record Streak: %s (%i in a row)
REQUIRED_KILLS = Potrebno ubistava
RESET_NOT_ALLOWED = Ne mozes resetovati svoj nivo tokom Timske igre!
RESET_QUERY = Da li si siguran da zelis da se^nresetujes nazad na nivo 1?
RESPAWN_COUNTDOWN = Respawnovaces se za %i sekundi
RULES = Rules
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE1 = %i) Moras napraviti 3 ubistva sa trenutnim oruzjem, da bi napredovao na sledeci nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE2 = %i) Ako napravis ubistvo sa oruzjem koje nije tvoj nivo, ne racuna se za napredovanje.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE3 = %i) Mozes napredovati nivo ako PUKNE C4 ili ako ga DEFUZIRAS.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE4 = %i) Ako uradis samoubistvo, gubis nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE5 = %i) Friendly Fire se ukljucuje ako neko dostigne GRENADE nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6A = %i) Mozes napredovati vise nivoa po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6B = %i) Mozes napredovati samo 1 nivo po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE6C = %i) Mozes napredovati max %i nivoa po rundi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE7 = %i) Postoji grace period na kraju runde koji dozvoljava igracima da zamenu tim.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE8 = %i) Posto je Knife Pro ukljucen, mozes ukrasti nivo igracu ako ga zakoljes.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE9 = %i) Posto je Turbo Mode ukljucen, dobijas novo oruzje cim napredujes nivo.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE10 = %i) Posto je Knife Elite Mod ukljucen, jednom kad podignes nivo, moraces koristiti noz do pocetka sledece runde.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE11 = %i) Posto je Deathmatch Mode ukljucen, respawnujes se neprestano.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE12 = %i) Posto je ukljucen Teamplay Mod, dobijaces poene timski a ne individualno.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE13 = Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i ko vodi.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE14 = Say !weapons da vidis redosled oruzja(nivoa).
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE15 = Say !score da vidis rezultate svih igraca.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE16 = Say !top10 da vidis 10 naj pobednika na serveru.
RULES_CONSOLE_LINE17 = Say !restart da se restartujes na nivo 1.
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Pravila igre i say komande su ti izlistane u konzoli
RULES_MESSAGE_LINE2 = Neke korisne say komande:
Say !top10 da vidis 10 naj pobednika na serveru^n
Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i ko vodi^n
Say !weapons da vidis redosled oruzja(nivoa)^n
Say !score da vidis rezultate svih igraca^n
SCORES = Rezultati
SLOW_DOWN = Uspori! Ovo je i dalje warmup runda!
SPAWNPROTECTED_KILL = Tvoje ubistvo se ne racuna jer se %%n%s%%e spawnovao zadnjih %%g%i%%e sekundi
STATS = Stats
STATS_REGULAR = Regular Stats
STATS_TEAMPLAY = Teamplay Stats
STILL_LEVEL_ONE = Nisi jos prosao ni nivo 1!
STOLE_LEVEL = %%n%s%%e je ukrao nivo od %%g%s%%e
STOLE_LEVEL_TEAM = %%n%s%%e stole %%g%i%%e points from %%g%s%%e (gained %%g%i%%e)
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio nivo zbog samoubistva
SUICIDE_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e zbog samoubistva
SUICIDE_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena zbog samoubistva
TEAM = tim
TIED_LEADER_MULTI = %%n%s%%e je izjednacen na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e sa %%g%s%%e drugih
TIED_LEADER_ONE = %%n%s%%e je izjednacen na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e da %%g%s%%e
TIED_LEADER_TEAM = Timovi su izjednaceni na nivou %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TK_LEVEL_DOWN = %%n%s%%e se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e jer je ubio saugraca
TK_LEVEL_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim se spustio na nivo %%g%i%%e zbog team kill-a
TK_SCORE_DOWN = %%n%s%%e je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena za ubistvo saigraca
TK_SCORE_DOWN_TEAM = %%n%s%%e tim je izgubio %%g%i%%e poena za team kill
TOP_10 = Top 10
TRAILING_ON_LEVEL_TEAM = The %%n%s%%e team is trailing on level %%g%i%%e :: %%g%s%%e
TRIPLE_LEVELED = %%n%s%%e je trostruko napredovao!!!
UNRANKED = unranked
WARMUP_ROUND = GunGame Warmup runda
WARMUP_ROUND_OVER = GunGame Warmup Runda Zavrsena!
WARMUP_ROUND_DISPLAY = Warmup Runda: %i jos sekundi
WEAPONS = Oruzja
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE1 = Ovaj server koristi GunGame %s by Avalanche
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE5 = Deathmatch Mode je \rUKLJUCEN!\w
WELCOME_MESSAGE_LINE7 = Ima \y%i\w nivoa u ovoj rundi!
Say !rules za instrukcije kako se igra GunGame i spisak komandi^n
Say !level da vidis svoj trenutni nivo i ko vodi^n
Say !score da u konzoli dobijes rezultate svih igraca i pobeda^n
WIN_MOTD_LINE1 = %s je pobednik!
WIN_MOTD_LINE2 = %s tim
WIN_MOTD_LINE3 = je pobednik!
WIN_MOTD_LINE4A = Poslednje ubistvo %s je sacinjeno protiv %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE4B = Poslednje %s ubistvo je sacinjeno protiv %s od strane %s
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A = Ovo je %s's %i%s pobeda,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s sada ima ukupno %i poena.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Ovo je %s's %i%s pobeda, za ukupno %i poena,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Potrosio si %i%% svoga vremena doprinoseci pobedi tima.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Sada imas ukupno %i pobeda.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s tagad kopā %i punkti.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Šī ir %s's %i%s uzvara, kopā %i punkti,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Tu patērēji %i%% sava laika veicot to vinnētaju komandā.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Tev tagad kopā ir %i uzvaras.
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s има общо %i точки.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s now has a total of %i regular points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s now has a total of %i teamplay points.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Това е %s %i%s победа, за всичко %i точки,
and their %i%s win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = This is %s's %i%s regular win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s regular win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = This is %s's %i%s teamplay win, for a total of %i points,
and their %i%s teamplay win in a row (their record: %i in a row).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Ти отдаде %i%% от времето си запобедата на отбора.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Сега имаш общо %i победи.
te %i%s. pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = Ovo je %s's %i%s. osobna pobjeda,
te %i%s. osobna pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = Ovo je %s's %i%s. timska pobjeda,
te %i%s. timska pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s sada ima ukupno %i bodova.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s sada ukupno ima %i osobnih bodova.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s sada ukupno ima %i timskih bodova.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Ovo je %s's %i%s. pobjeda za %i bodova,
te %i%s. pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = Ovo je %s's %i%s. osobna pobjeda za %i bodova,
te %i%s. osobna pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = Ovo je%s's %i%s. timska pobjeda za %i bodova,
te %i%s. timska pobjeda u nizu (njegov rekord: %i u nizu).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Potrosio si %i%% svoga vremena doprinoseci pobjedi tima.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Sada imas %i pobjeda.
ir laimejo %i%s kartus is eiles (jo rekordas yra: %i laimejimai is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_REG = Tai yra %s %i%s laimejimas,
ir laimejo %i%s kartus is eiles (jo rekordas yra: %i laimejimai is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5A_TP = Tai yra %s %i%s komandinis laimejimas,
ir tai yra %i%s komandinis laimejimas is eiles (rekordas yra: %i laimejimai is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B = %s dabar isviso turi %i taskus.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_REG = %s dabar isviso turi %i taskus.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5B_TP = %s dabar isviso turi %i komandinius taskus.
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C = Tai yra %s %i%s pergale, is viso %i taskai,
ir tai yra %i%s pergales(-e) is eiles (rekordas yra: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_REG = Tai yra %s %i%s pergale, is viso %i taskai,
ir tai yra %i%s pergales(-e) is eiles (rekordas yra: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE5C_TP = Tai yra %s %i%s komandinis laimejimas, is viso %i taskai,
ir tai yra %i%s komandines pergales is eiles (rekordas yra: %i pergales(-e) is eiles).
WIN_MOTD_LINE6 = Jus praleidote %i%% laimejusioje komandoje.
WIN_MOTD_LINE7A = Jus dabar turite %i pergales(-e).